
shǒu dū tǐ yù ɡuǎn
  • Capital Gymnasium;Capital Indoor Stadium
  1. 中国杯国际体操邀请赛昨天在北京首都体育馆开赛。

    China Cup International Gymnastics Tournament opened yesterday in Beijing Capital Gymnasium .

  2. 这并非她第一次做志愿者:去年暑假期间,她曾在首都体育馆为北京奥运会服务。

    Fang is a veteran volunteer : she was at the Capital Gymnasium during the Beijing Olympics last summer .

  3. 可否请你告诉我,到首都体育馆怎样走?

    Can you please show me the right way to the capital stadium ?

  4. 短道速滑比赛在首都体育馆举行。

    A short track speed skating competition was held at the Capital Indoor Stadium .

  5. 喂!请问这是首都体育馆吗?

    Hello ! Is this the Capital Stadium ?

  6. 到首都体育馆的乘客,在一下站下来,请做好准备。

    Those going to the Capital Stadium please get ready to get off at the next stop .

  7. 乒乓球运动员在大型体育馆比赛产生心理物理学现象的研究首都体育馆建商务座席(包厢)的可行性分析

    Psychological Physics Phenomenon of Table Tennis Players in Match in Large Gymnasium A Feasibility Study on the Setting-up of Business Box in the Capital Gymnasium

  8. 2010年9月4日,中国首对奥运会花样滑冰冠军申雪、赵宏博在首都体育馆举行了一场冰上婚典。

    China ` s first Olympic champion figure skaters Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo held an on-ice ceremony in the Capital Gymnasium on Sept 4 , 2010 .

  9. 这场在北京首都体育馆举行的冰上婚礼,已经让人期盼了整整三年。早在2007年世界花滑锦标赛上赢得金牌之后,赵宏博就已经当众向申雪求婚。

    The wedding , scheduled to take place at Beijing 's Capital Gymnasium , has been an affair three years in the making . Zhao proposed to Shen after a gold medal-winning performance at the 2007 World Figure Skating Championships .

  10. 2008年她在北京奥运会闭幕式上担任过主要角色。2009年12月31日在北京首都体育馆举办个人演唱会,回顾自己的舞台生涯;

    She had a prominent role during the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and held the concert " 20 Years of Na , " a retrospective of her career , at the Capital Gymnasium , in late 2009 .