
  • 网络Food Advertisements;food advertising;junk food ads
  1. 心路历程&食物广告(英文)中英文食品广告的对话性分析

    Dialogic Approach to the Analysis of English and Chinese Food Advertisements

  2. 名人代言虚假食品广告法律责任初探

    On The Liability of Celebrities Who Endorsed False Food Advertisements

  3. 迪尼斯公司(Disney)如今正在将该公司所制作出品的儿童电视节目中的垃圾食品广告清理出去,还改善了迪斯尼主题乐园内所出售食品的质量。

    DisneyDIS + 0.85 % is eliminating ads for junk foods from its children 's programming and improving the food served in Disney theme parks .

  4. 我们被广告商投放的垃圾食品广告以及快餐店淹没了。

    We are bombarded by advertisers and inundated with fast food joints .

  5. 限制这类食品广告是预防儿童肥胖的一个重要手段。

    Limiting this food marketing is an important preventative strategy for childhood obesity .

  6. 同时也分析保健食品广告定位给产品销售带来的潜在危险。

    The potential risk of advertisement orientation to product selling was analyzed as well .

  7. 保健食品广告定位策略分析

    Advertisement Orientation Strategy for Healthy Foods

  8. 你是否曾看见电视食品广告而突然感觉肚子饿?

    Have you ever watched a food advertisement on television and suddenly felt you were hungry ?

  9. 食品广告太多。

    Too many advertisements for food .

  10. 本文在顺应论的基础上研究了食品广告中的语言模因。

    In light of Adaptation Theory , this thesis probes into the language memes in food advertisements .

  11. 狗英国将禁止在播放儿童节目期间插播垃圾食品广告,以此帮助解决英国面临的肥胖危机。

    Junk food adverts during children 's programs will be banned to help tackle Britain 's obesity crisis .

  12. 可能是周围的人都在吃,也可能是食品广告说服力太强。

    It can be because everyone around us is eating . Or because food ads can be so persuasive .

  13. 在电视播演歌剧时插播宠物食品广告真是煞风景。

    Interrupting an opera on television for a pet food commercial is going from the sublime to the ridiculous .

  14. 第四章对中英文食品广告中运用的语言手段和修辞手段分别以显性对话和隐性对话形式进行对话性分析。

    Chapter 4 is devoted to the detailed analysis of linguistic and rhetorical devices employed in the English and Chinese food advertisements .

  15. 作者把食品广告中的语言模因的选择标准归纳为简易性、时尚性、权威性和情感驱动。

    The author argues that the selection criteria for the language memes in food advertisements are simplicity , fashion , authority and emotional drive .

  16. 四所联邦政府机构通过对支援项目指导方针的研究,提出限制垃圾食品广告播放时间的构想,但迫于国会压力,不得不半途而废。

    Four federal agencies studied voluntary guidelines to limit junk-food advertisements to children . Under pressure from Congress , the agencies dropped the effort .

  17. 英国众多医生呼吁对软饮料加税20%,并禁止发布垃圾食品广告。

    UK 's doctors have called for a 20 percent tax on soft drinks and have asked for junk food advertisements to be banned .

  18. 加强保健食品广告、标签及说明书的监督管理使其正确引导消费,促进保健食品产业的健康发展。

    Strengthen the health food advertisements , labels and instructions to correctly guide the supervision and management of consumption , and promoting the healthy development of health food industry .

  19. 已取得了积极的进展。例如,禁止在电视节目中播放针对儿童的高脂、高糖和高盐食品广告。

    Positive advances have been made – for example , bans on advertisements for foods high in fats , sugars , and salt during television programmes aimed at children .

  20. 其研究结果一方面可以检验顺应论的解释力,另一方面也能对食品广告语言的创作提供一定的指导作用。

    On the one hand , this study can validate the explanatory power of Adaptation Theory ; on the other hand , it can provide some guidelines for the design of food advertisements .

  21. 考虑到食品广告中的语言模因的特殊性,可将其表现形式分为三种,即语言模因的复制,语言模因的改装和原创语言模因。

    Regarding the particularity of language memes in food advertisements , their manifestations can be classified into the following three types : repetition of language memes , modification of language memes and original language memes .

  22. 同时由于保健食品广告与药品广告的高度相似性,笔者也在本文中对保健食品广告进行了介绍。

    At the same time , there are many alike characteristics between the health care food advertisement and the drugs advertisement . So writer also make an introduction to the health care food advertisement in this text .

  23. 本文从顺应论的角度探讨了食品广告中的语言模因是怎样通过顺应潜在消费者的心理世界、社交世界和物理世界来说服他们购买相应产品的。

    Based on Adaptation Theory , this thesis explores how the language memes in food advertisements adapt to potential customers ' mental world , social world and physical world in order to persuade them to purchase the relative products .

  24. 更近期发送的无线电信息有:美国宇航局向北极星传送的一支甲壳虫乐队的歌,向北斗星座一个行星系发送的一段“立体脆”食品广告,以及通过在克里米亚的一部天线向近地恒星发送的一系列无线电信号。

    More recent radio transmissions include a Beatles song beamed by NASA to the North Star , a Doritos advertisement launched to a planetary system in the Big Dipper , and a series of broadcasts sent to nearby stars using an antenna in Crimea .

  25. 但你也可以在电动游戏、推特和心脏健康食品的广告上看到爱心。

    But you can also find it in video games , on Twitter , and in ads for heart-healthy food .

  26. 著名的体育明星甚至会给手表和食品作广告。

    Famous pros can even advertise things like watches and food .

  27. 国内食品饮料广告的现状及发展趋势

    The current situation and development trend of domestic food & beverage advertising

  28. 他们有各式各样劝告人们食用新鲜有机食品的广告语。

    They had all these literature advising people to eat fresh organic growing food .

  29. 广大居民对保健食品的广告和标签信任度较低。

    Most residents had low trust in advertisements and labels of functional food . 9 .

  30. 我们希望将讨论范围缩小为垃圾食品的广告,而不是泛泛地去谈所有类型的广告。

    Instead of talking about all the advertising generally , we would like to narrow it down to junk food advertising .