
  • 网络Flying Car;AeroCar
  1. 不过,飞行汽车始终是个人出行自由的终极象征。

    However , the flying car has always remained the ultimate symbol of personal transport freedom .

  2. 终于,人们期待已久的飞行汽车就要面世了。

    Finally , the long-awaited flying car is almost here .

  3. 如果飞行汽车成为现实,这些就是我们必须预料到的问题。

    These are problems we must expect if flying cars become a reality .

  4. 优步(Uber)聘请了美国国家航空航天局(NASA)一名前工程师来协助研究飞行汽车。

    Uber has hired a former Nasa engineer to help it to research flying cars .

  5. Wilson说,梦想家们其实已经发明出了像飞行汽车这样的东西,可是,它们在现实世界得不到应用。

    Visionaries actually invented objects like flying cars , but they could never work out the real world applications , Wilson says .

  6. 一年后,NASA成为该项目的合作方,为飞行汽车舰队开发空中交通管理系统。

    NASA became a partner for the program a year later by developing air traffic management for a fleet of flying cars .

  7. 优步表示,将同NASA分享飞行汽车拼车网络计划,将对此进行模拟。

    Uber said it will share its plans for a ridesharing network of flying cars with NASA , which will conduct simulations .

  8. 天空中可能飞满人们设计的各种各样的飞行汽车,或者卡尔·蒂特里奇(CarlDietrich)所说的“陆空两用汽车”。

    You could all the ideas people have had for flying cars -- or what Carl Dietrich calls " flying-driving vehicles . "

  9. SkyDrive公司在一份新闻稿中宣称,8月25日,该公司在丰田试验场进行了飞行汽车的公开展示。丰田试验场是日本最大的汽车试验场之一,也是该公司的研发母基地。

    Sky Drive Inc. conducted the public demonstration on August 25 , the company said in a news release , at the Toyota Test Field , one of the largest in Japan and home to the car company 's development base .

  10. 人类关于飞行汽车的想法充斥了天空。飞行汽车也就是卡尔·迪特里希(CarlDietrich)所说的“陆空两用飞行器(flying-drivingvehicles)。”

    You could fill the sky with all the ideas people have had for flying cars & or what Carl Dietrich calls " flying-driving vehicles . "

  11. 直到真的有人开发出了能运行这些东西的硬件,像BonnierGroup它们这些概念才像时光旅行或者飞行汽车那样开始变得现实。

    Until someone actually creates the hardware to run these experiences , concepts like that in the Bonnier Group video are about as realistic as those in a video about time travel or flying cars .

  12. Terrafugia公司预计在未来数月内完成其飞行汽车的制造过程。

    The company expects to complete the building process for its flying cars within the next few months .

  13. Terrafugia公司预期这款飞行汽车可以在2012年底之前推出市场,价格大约是25万美元。

    Terrafugia expects the Transition to reach market by the end of twenty-twelve , at a price of around two hundred fifty thousand dollars .

  14. 虽然优步描绘了类似《杰森一家》(TheJetsons)的未来愿景,但是从动力需求、噪声到为飞行汽车寻找安全着陆场所,仍有许多技术障碍有待克服。

    Despite this Jetsons-like future vision , many technological hurdles are yet to be overcome , ranging from power requirements and noise to finding safe places for the flying cars to land .

  15. 在一个致命疾病被根除的世界中,我们才能有飞行汽车。

    Flying cars in a world where deadly diseases are eradicated .

  16. 壮观的飞行汽车追逐场面(不过也十分冗长);

    a spectacular - though also interminable - hover-car chase ;

  17. 一家日本公司宣布成功完成了一款飞行汽车的测试。

    A Japanese company has announced the successful test drive of a flying car .

  18. 这是日本有史以来第一次公开展示飞行汽车。

    It was the first public demonstration for a flying car in Japanese history .

  19. 飞行汽车这个概念并不新鲜。

    Flying cars aren 't exactly new .

  20. 世界上第一辆可飞行汽车于纽约国际车展亮相上市。

    World 's First Flying Car on the Market to Debut at New York Auto Show .

  21. 不过,想要造出实用又安全的飞行汽车一直是个严峻的挑战。

    But getting a practical , reliable flying car off the ground has been a serious challenge .

  22. 今年早些时候该公司展示了自动驾驶电动飞行汽车的原型。

    It has already shown a prototype of a self-driving electric powered flying car earlier this year .

  23. 因为该公司的飞行汽车最初定位是高端消费者,而且价格将会非常昂贵。

    The company is initially targeting the Flying Roadster at elite consumers . The price must be very expensive .

  24. 该公司希望能让飞行汽车成为正常生活的一部分,而不只是一件商品。

    The company hopes to make the flying car a part of normal life and not just a commodity .

  25. 这款飞行汽车的设计初衷旨在避开城市道路上的交通堵塞,曾在一年前的年度行业盛会上首次亮相。

    It is designed to avoid gridlock on city roads and premiered at the annual industry gathering a year ago .

  26. 日本一家名为“天空驾驶”的初创公司已开始对其飞行汽车原型进行试飞,试飞时有一名驾驶员在车内。

    A Japanese startup called SkyDrive Inc. has begun conducting test flights of their prototype flying car with a human pilot .

  27. 但是即使在满载的情况下,转变号飞行汽车的重量仍然只有普通汽车的一半。

    But even fully loaded , says Mr. Dietrich , it still weighs about half as much as an average car .

  28. 格伦·柯蒂斯是莱特兄弟的竞争对手。1918年,他在研制柯蒂斯自动控制飞机时就发现了设计飞行汽车的困难之处。

    Glenn Curtiss , a rival of the Wright Brothers , discovered this in 1918 when he developed the Curtiss Autoplane .

  29. 但是那些对两年之内能驾驶着飞行汽车直接飞到感恩节餐桌旁而激动不已的人,你们还是从现在开始攒钱吧。

    But those excited at the possibility of flying your car to Thanksgiving dinner in two years should start saving now .

  30. 新闻稿中写道,该公司将继续开发新技术,以实现在2023年安全可靠地推出飞行汽车。

    The company will continue to develop technologies to safely and securely launch the flying car in 2023 , the news release said .