- Scud;fleet-footed;fleet-footed runner

(1) [fleet-footed]∶指跑得极快的腿脚
(2) [fleet-footed runner]∶也指跑得极快的人。又指一种导弹名
This article summarizes the change process of guided ballistic missile Scud B in Soviet and its combat use in Gulf War .
Monday , State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki echoed Mr. Warren 's comments after the launch of the latest two missiles , believed to be Scud-C weapons that can travel around 500 kilometers ( 310 miles ) .
' It 's a short-range Scud missile which they are allowed to test . Nevertheless , we always call on the North Koreans to refrain from provocative action , ' Col. Steve Warren , the Pentagon spokesman , said Thursday after the first firing .
Dr Raichlen hypothesised that endocannabinoid-driven exercise highs would be found in those mammals that gain an evolutionary benefit from being fast on their feet : antelopes , horses and wolves , for example .
These are missiles with a range of 650 to 900 kilometers .
Ben 's a good runner ; few seamen run better than Ben .
Slippery Sam putting on a tremendous effort .
A Preliminary Analysis of Engagement Effectiveness of Patriot Against Scud in the Gulf War
I need our two fastest runners .
He is known as the blade runner using high-tech prosthetics made out of a carbon-fiber compound .
It was first put to use in the Gulf War as a defense for Iraqi Scud missiles .
Should it be punctured , the tank could fly off like a Scud missile on a mission .
He is known as the " blade runner " using high-tech prosthetics made out of a carbon-fiber compound .
New Scud missiles , missile like hair on the hair , the missile power ( 30-100 ) free control .
This series include red business and blue business , and shape SCUD 's as the leader in business battery era .
One notable example is the failed interception of the incoming Scud by the Patriot missile in the first Gulf War .
We are also watching the chemical weapons and Scud missiles to make sure they are not used in the endgame .
He also rebutted allegations that his country possesses nuclear weapons capability or any hidden medium-range Scud missiles capable of reaching Israeli soil .
Under the terms of a UN ceasefire agreement that ended the 1991 Gulf War , Baghdad was obligated to destroy all of its Scud missiles .
Sir Henry and I were both good runners and very healthy men , but we soon realized that we had no chance of catching Selden .
He said that if there are no fighter jets nearby to destroy the Scud missile with their short-distance missiles then the conventional missiles are another option .
In order to further the enjoyment of bicycle riding and bicycle racing in the Shanghai area , FHL will continue to host a series of bicycle races .
The paper analyses the failure models and failure mechanisms of " Titan " type I storage and " Scud " ballistic missile shown experiments under strong laser irradiation .
However , if Syria were to start using its Scud Arsenal , the campaign to destroy its air defences would rapidly switch to one of explicit regime change .
Putting a nuclear weapon on a Scud would also require miniaturization beyond that of the size of a weapon on a long-range missile , which experts believe North Korea hasn 't achieved yet .
I tied flies commercially for years , and worked into a basic hook inventory that consisted of dry fly hooks , nymph hooks , scud hooks , streamer hooks , and a few specialty hooks .
The crisis in Ukraine is clearly dominating global foreign policy attention to the extent that even if North Korea fires off more Scuds it 's hard to see any momentum building internationally for punitive action in response .
The South Korean Defense Ministry said thatthe North had fired the Scuds in a northeasterly direction and that theyprobably fell into North Korean waters of the East Sea , which is also known asthe Sea of Japan .
While inspectors destroyed most of the prohibited ballistic missiles , numerous intelligence reports over the past decade , from sources inside iraq , indicate that Saddam Hussein retains a covert force of up to a few dozen Scud variant ballistic missiles .
And , as dark as it was , and as fat as Bill was , and as good a runner as I am , he was a good mile and a half out of Summit before I could catch up with him . ( MUSIC ) ANNOUNCER :