
  • 网络Moulin-a-Vent;Windmill
  1. 仍有一座风车磨坊一直与那些蒸汽驱动的面粉厂相抗衡,继续地转动扇叶。

    One windmill held out against the steam-driven flour mills and kept on turning its sails .

  2. 我在小山上看见了一个风车磨坊。

    I saw a windmill on the hill .

  3. 这将是一个汽车与风车磨坊相组合的世界。

    You 're looking at a world where cars are matched with windmills .

  4. 除先进的汲水工具外,风车、水磨坊亦投人使用,极大地提高了生产效率。

    Besides the hydraulic water lifting devices , winnowers and water-powered mills were introduced , which raised efficiency by a wide margin .