
  1. 作为一家外资的风电设备制造商,G公司正在积极的实施供应链下全球采购战略。

    As a foreign wind turbine manufacturer , Company G is actively carrying out a global procurement strategy under supply chain .

  2. 基于MMS的风电设备信息模型获取方法

    An Information Acquisition Method for Wind Turbine Generators Based on MMS

  3. 一种新船型&海上风电设备安装船的开发

    Development of new ship type-maritime wind turbine installation vessel

  4. 风电设备行业御风飞舞

    Windpower equipment industry went over with the wind

  5. 中国欧盟商会表示,风电设备和炼油行业同样面临着产能过剩问题。

    The wind-power equipment and oil - refining sectors were also facing over-capacity , the European Chamber said .

  6. 但是,风电设备制造企业的蓬勃发展无法掩盖风电产业发展的窘境。

    But wind power equipment manufacturing enterprise of booming development can not cover up wind power industry development dilemma .

  7. 本文就是通过对风电设备产品的营销模式研究,做一次组织市场营销理论与实践相结合的尝试。

    This article analyses the application of organization marketing theory and model through a survey to windpower equipment market .

  8. 经过几年的努力和实践,在风力发电机组总体设计、风电设备生产制造、风电场建设等方面,积累了丰富的经验。

    Based on the many years'manufacturing , we accumulating rich experience of designing , developing and manufacturing high standard wind turbine generator .

  9. 风力发电产业方兴未艾,为我国风电设备制造业创造了无限的商机,但同时也是巨大的挑战。

    The rapid development of wind power in China brings the great opportunity and challenge to Chinese wind power equipment manufacturing enterprises .

  10. 全球主流风电设备制造企业已经将风电设备的产业技术升级从千瓦级提升到低兆瓦级和多兆瓦级。

    The global mainstream wind power equipment manufacturers have been upgraded the industrial technology from the KW-class to the low MW and multi-MW level .

  11. 通过对不同技术模式下企业利润水平的比较,得出了未来风电设备企业技术选择的临界值。

    We compared the profits in different tech mode and got the critical value of the future technology selection of the wind power equipment .

  12. 在中国杭州举行的一次贸易峰会,解决了美方有关中国限制进口美国猪肉和风电设备的申诉。

    At a trade summit in the Chinese city of Hangzhou , they resolved outstanding US complaints over imports of pork and wind power equipment .

  13. 但是,最近几年中国风电设备事故频发,暴露出行业快速发展中的问题,也暴露出风电企业管理方面的滞后性。

    However , in recent years Chinese wind power equipment accidents exposed problems in the rapid development of the industry , also exposed lag of wind power enterprise management .

  14. 在马德里以北200公里,省会城市萨拉戈萨坐落在一片半干旱平原上,拉穆埃拉是这里的一座郊区小镇,被大片大型风电设备包围着。

    On the outskirts of Zaragoza , a provincial capital on the semi-arid plains 200 miles north of Madrid , fields of huge electricity generating windmills surround the tiny town of La muela .

  15. 大型浮式起重机(简称浮吊)作为特殊工程船舶,在海洋石油开发、大型海上工程、沿海风电设备安装和海难救助等作业中得到广泛运用。

    As a special project ship , Large floating crane have been widely used in offshore oil development , large-scale offshore engineering , coastal and installation of wind power and other salvage operations .

  16. 由于风电设备长期工作在寒冷及盐雾腐蚀严重的条件下,这就对球墨铸铁的低温性能及耐蚀性能提出了更高的要求。

    Due to wind power equipment works for a long time in cold and serious corrosion of smoke condition , the cryogenic properties and corrosion resistance of materials have been put forward higher requirements .

  17. 低温高韧性球墨铸铁机械性能优良,在工业上的应用非常广泛的,风电设备的关键零部件如轮毂、轴承座等都是采用的该材料。

    With excellent mechanical properties , the low-temperature high-ductility iron has been widely used in industry . The key parts of wind power equipment like hub and bearing pedestal , are made of this material .

  18. 近些年来,随着风电设备装载功率的不断提升以及风电增速齿轮箱所处的特殊运行环境,对风电齿轮箱的动态性能提出了更高的要求。

    In recent years , along with the unceasing enhancement of single load power for wind turbine and the special operating environment , the request of dynamic characteristics for wind power gearbox becomes higher and higher .

  19. 在风电设备中风力发电机的叶片是极为重要的关键部件。为降低发电成本,势必要求单机容量越来越大,叶片也就越长。因此,叶片一个重要发展趋势是大型化。

    In developing wind electricity generator , wind turbine blades is of importance and crucial part , which is required to be longer and longer in order to have a greater capacity in single , machine and reduce costs .

  20. 与此同时,多晶硅、风电设备、现代煤化工等新兴行业也出现一定程度的产能过剩问题,这也引起国家相关部门的重视。

    At the same time , polysilicon , wind power equipment , modern coal chemical industry and other emerging industry is also a certain degree of over capacity problem , this also caused the attention of the relevant departments of the state .

  21. 目前我国风电设备制造和控制技术研究等领域与发达国家存在很大差距,大型风电机组大部分都是进口产品,增加了风电开发利用的成本。

    At present , there are big gaps between china and developed countries in wind turbine productions and the field of wind power control technology research . The most of large-scale wind turbines are imported form overseas , which have increased the cost of wind power development .

  22. 建立促进新能源利用的机制,加强统筹规划、项目配套、政策引导,扩大国内需求,防止太阳能、风电设备制造能力的盲目扩张。

    We will accelerate the establishment of mechanisms that promote the use of new energy sources ; strengthen overall planning , auxiliary projects and policy guidance ; and expand domestic demand . We will prevent blind expansion in our capacity to manufacture solar energy and wind power equipment .

  23. 风电机组设备的发展,带动了数控机床、刀具等相关加工设备的发展。

    The development of wind power generators gives a boost to the development of relevant processing equipment including NC machine tools and cutting tools .

  24. 论文研究了大型风电机组设备的主流机型&双馈型变速变距风力发电机组的整机运行控制策略。

    In this thesis , the general operation control technology of current main stream type & Doubly fed variable speed adjusted pitch wind turbine was researched .

  25. 自1991年丹麦建成第一个海上风力发电场以来,风电机组设备的安装一直是风电场建设的一个重要的研究议题。

    Since 1991 , the first offshore wind farm has been built , the wind farm installation is always a key issue in building an offshore wind farm .

  26. 风电机组内电子设备的雷电电磁干扰分析

    Analysis of the Lightning Electromagnetic Interference to Electronic Devices in Wind Generation Systems

  27. 国防设备与航空电子设备国际博览会风电机组内电子设备的雷电电磁干扰分析

    International Defence Equipment and Avionics Exhibition Analysis of the Lightning Electromagnetic Interference to Electronic Devices in Wind Generation Systems

  28. 发展风电要求风电设备国产化,本地化,研发风电核心技术与设备是发展风电的必然选择。

    The development of wind energy generation requires generating equipments which suit with local situation . So the necessary measure developing wind energy generation is to research key technology and relative equipment .

  29. 我国正逐渐成为世界上主要的风电使用国与风电设备制造国。

    China has gradually become the main wind power user and wind power facility manufacturer in the world .

  30. 就我国离网风电商业化和并网风电机组设备制造能力的形成、风电场发展现状和风电特许权示范项目的主要内容进行介绍。

    Introduces the main contents of the commercialization of wind power isolated from power grid , the formation of manufacturing capability of wind power generating equipment connected to power grid , the present status of wind power farm development and franchise demonstration projects of wind power in China .