- 网络weathered material;efflorescence;detritus

It has been shown that the metallogenic parent rocks for primary bauxite are Maokou Formation limestone of lower Permian period , and partially added by old weathered materials .
It is proved by salt content analyses of the weathered materials in the surface layer of coal gob mountains that its total salt content is only 0.21 % before spontaneous combustion and plants can formally grow on it ;
The ore and the black weathered minerals are rich in cerium family RE (∑ CeO2 > 90 % , CeO2 > La2O3 > Nd2O3 ) .
Research on Reclaiming Properties and Improvement Measures of Coal Wastes Weathering
Nitrogen nutrition in plantation in reclaimed land of weathered waste rocks
Properties and taxonomic classification of soils derived from limestones in Anhui Province
Content and speciation changes of Cd in different particle size of coal waste
Examination And Study On The Application of Andesitic Porphyrite Efflorescence As Filling Material
Study on Physicochemical Properties and Rare Earth Distribution Patterns in Blak Weathered Earth
Distribution of Potassium Form in Different Class of Weathered Particles of Purple Rocks
Study on weathering material total nutrient content of coal gangue in Fuxin Mining Area
Engineering Properties and Utilization of Weathered Mudstone
Studies on K supply potential of weathering matters of purplish rocks with biological test technique
Effect of Applying Chemical Fertilizers and Sludge on Micro organisms Activities of Gangue Weathering Matter
Smectite mainly came from the alteration of volcanic ash or volcanic glass and the weathering materials derived from land rocks .
The preliminary study on water properties of the weathered products of gangue in the shallow layers of gangue mountains in shanxi province
The results showed that the paddy soils are developed from the weathering product of limestone , the river alluvium and Quaternary Red Clay .
This paper demonstrates the feasibility of using andesitic porphyrite efflorescence as filling material through the examination and study on its mechanical and chemical performance
The results showed that application rate of each time should not be high because of its low absorbability and low fertility preserving capability .
To ensure that the project can be efficient safe and economic and reach the required standard of filling , It is necessary to improve weathered granite completely .
The result shows as following : ( 1 ) The weathering material of gangue pile has two obvious layers : weathering surface layer and weakly weathering eluviating layer .
Technique to determine the engineering properties of weathered mudstone is proposed herein through analysis and study of relevant behaviours of weathered mudstone and the result of a project cited .
Domestic and international research progress is reviewed in the characteristics of weathering products of gangue waste area , water pollution , substratum improvement , feedback functions of vegetation on gangue waste area , vegetation succession and species choice , etc.
There are evident correlation between organic matter and total N of soil developed from loess parent mateial , and evident ant - correlation between organic matter and rapidly available K of material weathered from gangue , but organic matter and other nutrient indexes are less evident correlated .
Based on detail investigation of soil erosion and analysis on the characteristic of soil and water loss in the area of weathered granite soil , the erosive intensity control and erosive modules adapted to urban developing platform are put forth and the basic scientific data for it is provided .
The black weathering product in the ore is rich in secondary rare-earth minerals , the partition values of Eu and Y of which are higher than those of the ore and bastnaesite .
Physical properties of the profiles of weathered granitic rocks in Guangdong
The provenance of weathering crusts in Karst terrains , western Hunan province : indication of grain size distribution characteristics of quartz
The south , northwest and southwest of the downstream of Luohe formation are nearby material alluvial deposits , debris flow and weathered deposits .
So , the physical index of the full weathered rocks can supply the basis for the classifying and the zoning of the weathered rocks .