
  • 网络Ethical leadership;leadership ethic
  1. 个人层面的实证结果表明,伦理型领导能够对员工建言行为产生积极影响,并且员工感知的领导伦理榜样在这种影响关系中起到中介作用。

    On the one hand , results of individual level indicate that ethical leadership influence employee voice through ethical role modeling effect .

  2. 课程领导伦理是在特定课程改革活动中所形成的特殊的行为规范和价值意念,具有自身独特的价值表征和适用范围。

    Ethics of curriculum leadership are special code of conduct and value ideas in specific curriculum reform activities , it has its own unique value significance and scope .

  3. 作为特定教育活动群体间隐形的、强制的、约定俗成的精神契约,课程领导伦理具有丰富的内涵特点和特定的遵循原则。

    As invisible , mandatory and common spiritual contract among specific groups in educational reform activities , ethics of curriculum leadership has rich connotative form and particular principle .

  4. 具体而言,只有当感知到的并购方组织的组织声誉和群体领导的伦理型领导都较高时,群体才会反馈较高水平的伦理合作行为。

    Specifically , merged groups would perform ethically , adopting cooperative behaviors , only when high level of ethical leadership and organizational reputation were perceived in the merging firm .

  5. 本文通过探讨制约企业讲究伦理道德的因素,试图从企业伦理领导、伦理守则、伦理决策、伦理教育及伦理控制等方面论述如何进行企业伦理道德建设。

    This paper , through probing into the factors of restraining enterprises from stressing the ethics , attempt from enterprises ' ethical leading , ethical rules , ethical decision , ethical education and ethical controlment to study how to build enterprise 's morals .

  6. 党的三代领导集体政治伦理思想的产生,有其哲学理论基础、传统文化渊源与特定的实践基础和时代背景。

    Being practical and realistic is the philosophy premise of the production of the Communist Party of Chinese three generations leading group . National traditional culture is its historical cultural base .

  7. 官德就是领导干部应具有的政治素质、道德品质及其外化的思想作风,是领导干部政治伦理素质的最集中体现。

    Official virtue is the most centralized embodiment of the quality of political ethic of leading cadres . Official virtue refers to as political and moral quality as well as exterior spiritual style that the leading cadres should deserve .