
  1. 顾准是1957年在《试论社会主义制度下的商品经济和价值规律》一文中提出这一观点。

    This theory was illustrated in the essay of On the Laws of Commodity Economy and Value in Socialism .

  2. 顾准不是简单、生硬地说明应该怎样做,而是通过摆事实,讲道理来阐述中国应该向何处进行改革。

    He is not a simple , blunt description of what should be done , but by the facts and the truth of where to reform .

  3. 顾准借用此命题来概括他对群体(从民族到全人类)革命及解放问题的反思与探索。

    Through this topic , Gu presented his ideas on revolution and liberation of groups of people ( from one nation to the whole man kind ) .

  4. 顾准的反思成果之所以是他所处时代最有深度的,是因为早在1959年他就突破了构建理想主义的唯理主义构架,初步形成了经验主义世界观。

    The reason that his thought was the deepest of his age was that he went beyond the rationalism framework of idealism early in 1959 and primarily formed empiricism .

  5. 顾准最初能够突破唯理主义的框架是与他反教条主义的信念和在划为右派以后视历史事实置优先于理论的观点密切相关的。

    His initial breaking through of the framework of rationalism is closely related to his anti-ritualism and the view of taking historical facts before theory , which was formed after he was taken as Rightist .