
  1. 关于人防投资项目代建制存在问题的思考

    On consideration of agent construction system on civil air investment programs

  2. 提高项目代建制企业竞争力的研究

    How to Improve the Market Competitive Abilities of Construction Agent Enterprises

  3. 政府投资项目代建制的若干问题研究

    Study on the Problems in Construction Agent System of Government-invested Project

  4. 建立和完善水利工程建设项目代建制

    Hiring agent for project construction for improving water project construction

  5. 水利建设项目代建制模式的设计

    Design of Hiring Agent for Construction of Water Conservancy Project

  6. 政府投资项目代建制监管体制研究

    Research on Supervision System of Agent-construction System in Public Projects

  7. 高速公路投资项目代建制研究

    Research on Deputy Construction Mechanism of the Express Highway Invest Construction Project

  8. 政府投资项目代建制推行中的问题浅析

    Question and Analysis on Construction Agent System mode of Government Investment Projects

  9. 建设项目代建制及应用研究

    Research on the Deputized Construction System of Project and Application

  10. 项目代建制中的全过程造价管理探讨

    Discussion on Full Process Management of Construction Cost in Project Agent-construction System

  11. 我国政府投资项目代建制模式研究

    Research on Agent Construction of Public Projects in China

  12. 论高速公路工程推行项目代建制

    Discussion on the implementation of expressway projects " Project Construction Agent System "

  13. 第三章对我国政府投资项目代建制的管理模式进行分析。

    The third chapter to our country government investment project agent management mode are analyzed .

  14. 近年来我国积极推行政府投资项目代建制管理改革。

    In recent years , actively promote the reform of government investment project construction management .

  15. 四川省政府工程项目代建制管理模式研究

    Study of the System of the Charg é D'affaire of Governmental Project in Sichuan Province

  16. 基于效率成本模型的政府投资项目代建制监管成本优化分析

    Optimized analysis of supervising cost under government investment projects agent system based on efficiency cost model

  17. 政府投资项目代建制:一项制度变迁的分析

    Representative Construction System of Government Investment Project : An Analysis of the Variance of a System

  18. 政府投资项目代建制的契约本质探讨&基于生产要素的视角

    The Contractual Nature of Construction Agent System for Government-Funded projects & Based on the Perspective of Production Factors

  19. 政府投资项目代建制是国家投资体制改革正在酝酿出台的一系列配套改革方案之一。

    Entrusted construction in government investment projects is a new mechanism launched by the government investment system reform .

  20. 南水北调工程项目代建制模式下代建方寻租行为博弈分析

    Game analysis on rent-seeking activities of the construction agent under agent system for South to North Water Transfer Project

  21. 这些对策和建议,对完善政府投资项目代建制会有一定的借鉴作用。

    And these countermeasures and suggestion will play a reference role on improving the government investment projects Agent System .

  22. 这一政策性的规定出台奠定了我国政府投资项目代建制改革的法律基础。

    The provisions of this policy lay the introduction of the Government Investment Projects in China the legal basis for reform .

  23. 项目代建制企业应从自身出发,提高企业竞争力,以不变应万变,迎接市场发展的挑战的策略。

    The construction agent enterprises should improve their own market competitive abilities to face the challenges and changes in the market .

  24. 项目代建制推行需要解决:现有的工程管理制度交叠的专业化冲突;

    In practice of Agency Construction , problems as follows must be tackled : conflicts with existing system of projects management ;

  25. 近些年,我国在政府投资的公共工程建设中积极推行项目代建制管理模式。

    In recent years , China government has been in the process of pushing the system of governmental investment construction agency into practice .

  26. 通过建立完善的代建制综合评标体系,力争将政府投资项目代建制的风险降到最低。

    Through the establishment perfect generation of organization system comprehensive evaluation of tenders system , argues vigorously a government investment project generation of organic risk falls lowly .

  27. 推行政府投资项目代建制,有利于建立市场化、规范化、专业化的工程建设管理,提高政府投资项目的综合效益。

    To elect government investment acting building systen is advantageous for building management being market 、 norm 、 specialty and to raise the synthetic benefit of government investment item .

  28. 基于治理的政府投资项目代建制绩效改善研究不同所有制企业绩效比较实证分析及其对策建议&以高压开关行业为例

    Management performance improvement of agent system for government invested construction projects An Empirical Analysis of Different Ownership Enterprises ' Management Performance and Corresponding Proposals & Based on The High Voltage Industry

  29. 在对政府投资项目代建制管理模式的特点及模式进行讨论的基础上,着重研究代建制委托一代理风险。

    On the basis of discussing about the characteristics and patterns of agent construction system in the government investment projects , this essay focuses on research of risk of consigner and surrogate .

  30. 总结了高速公路建设项目代建制模式组织架构设置原则,阐述了矩阵型组织架构的特征和优势。

    The organizational structure of highway construction projects as to Agent System mode is summed up . A set of principles on the characteristics and advantages of the matrix organizational structure are detailed discussed .