
  1. 草地建设投资项目财务分析问题探讨

    Financial Analysis on the Project of Investment in Grassland Construction

  2. 海外投资项目财务分析模型

    The Research of Financial Analysis System for TNC 's Foreign Direct Investment Project

  3. 国电聊城生物质发电有限公司生物质发电项目财务分析研究

    Financial Affairs Evaluating Study on Biomass Electricity Generation Project by Liaocheng Biomass Electricity Generation Co. , Ltd

  4. 目前,项目财务分析的主要对象为生产企业和一般建设项目,项目财务分析理论主要面对以上项目。

    At present , the project financial analysis theories always pay attention to the producing enterprise and general construction projects , project financial analysis theory mainly research the above projects .

  5. 只有同时综合考虑了上述两个因素,并经定量化的项目财务分析后,才能准确地预测出项目运营的盈利水平,并做出合理的项目投资决策。

    Only after the above two factors are considered together to make specific project financial evaluation , can the benefit level of project operation be foreseen and the right investment decision be made .

  6. 对电力企业而言,如何提高电力建设项目财务分析的准确性,优化投资,对扩充企业优良资产,提升企业价值,起到至关重要的作用。

    For power corporations , it will be very important how to improve the veracity of the power building 's economy analysis , and to optimize investment to add their choiceness assets and improve the corporate value .

  7. 投资项目财务分析是在项目投资决策阶段,对拟建项目进行全面的技术经济分析论证,是项目决策的重要依据,也是防范投资风险的重要措施。

    Investment project financial analysis in the project investment decision stage , for the proposed project to conduct a comprehensive technical economic analysis , is a project decision-making important basis , also be the important measure to guard against the risk of investment .

  8. 工程项目财务效益分析的切入点

    Key points for analyzing the financial profit of projects

  9. 基于模拟技术的大型水电项目财务风险分析

    Simulation-based financial risk analysis for large-scale hydropower projects

  10. 大庆80kt/a顺丁橡胶改造项目财务评价分析

    Financial evaluation on 80 kt / a cis-1 , 4-polybutadiene rubber plant revamping project of Daqing

  11. 对广告和促销活动项目进行财务分析,以确保达到低成本高效率的最适宜的方案。

    Perform financial analysis on advertising and promotion programs to ensure optimum performance at lowest possible costs .

  12. 经济全球化趋势下国际直接投资项目的财务分析与评价

    The Financial Analysis and Evaluation of the Foreign Direct Investment Projects in the Trend of Economic Globalization

  13. 从项目财务风险分析结果可以看出,本项目具有一定的抗风险能力。

    As can be seen from the project financial risk analysis results , this project has a certain ability to resist risks .

  14. 工程项目财务效益分析,是工程项目可行性研究和工程项目评估的核心内容。

    Profit analysis of any project remains the central issue for studying the feasibility of a project as well as its evaluation .

  15. 第二部分(第5章)为济南同济环境工程总公司对外投资项目的财务分析与评价。

    Part 2 ( chapter 5 ) exemplifies the financial analysis and evaluation to the oversea investment of Jinan Tongji Environment Engineering Company .

  16. 本文提出了基于概率论与模拟技术的工程项目财务风险分析方法,并在某大型水电站工程中进行了应用研究。

    In this paper , a financial risk analysis method based on probability theory and the Monte Carlo simulation technique is put forward and applied to the analysis of a hydropower project .

  17. 本文重点对项目的财务分析进行了相关探讨并计算了有关财务指标。

    And we explain how to make the feasibility study on the investment projects of automobile parts industrial . The paper focuses on the financial analysis and calculation of the relevant financial indicators .

  18. 项目的财务分析是指根据财务预测提供的有关项目投资、费用和收入等财务数据,分析、考察项目的财务状况,以判断投资项目财务可行性的一种分析评价方法。

    The project financial appraisal is refers to related financial data and so on project investment which , expense and income provides according to the financial predict that the analysis , the inspection project financial situation , judges the investment plan finance feasible one analysis assessment method .

  19. 第三章主要是对BT项目融资的财务分析,并比较不同融资方式下的优缺点。

    Chapter three is mainly about BT project financial analysis and comparison of different ways of financing merit and demerit .

  20. 基于现金流量的房地产投资项目财务评价与分析

    Finance Evaluation of Realty Investment Project Based on Cash Flow

  21. 关于物流园项目财务评价案例分析的探讨

    A Discussion about Financial Assessment of Logistics Zone Project

  22. 浅谈公路建设项目的财务决策分析

    Financial Analysis of Highway Constructional Projects

  23. 文章通过一系列的项目财务评价指标分析,认为本项目具有现实的可行性。

    Through a series of project financial evaluation analysis , we believe the project has practical feasibility . This paper includes three parts .

  24. 本文论述了贷款的选择、资金成本和赠与成分的计算、贷款项目的财务经济分析等三方面问题。

    This paper discusses the selection of loan , calculation of fund cost and grant element , as well as the financial and economic analysis of project .

  25. 短期偿债能力直接关系到企业及其债权人的切身经济利益,通常作为一个重要项目被纳入财务分析体系。

    Short-term debt paying ability concerns the personal economic benefits of the enterprise and creditor alike , usually included in the financial analyses system as an important project .

  26. 在房地产开发项目中,财务分析目前仍主要依据传统的财务分析,没有形成系统的财务风险评价范式。

    Now , in real estate development projects , the financial analysis still mainly relies mainly on the traditional financial analysis , lack of a systemic financial risk assessment method .

  27. 在实践方面,进行了电力建设项目财务评价风险分析系统的设计与开发。

    Finally on the side of practice , the design and exploitation about risk analysis system of financial appraisal in the modern power construction project are made in the paper .

  28. 建设移交(BT)项目财务模型影响因素分析和比较

    Analysis of Influence Factor of Financial Model for BT Project

  29. 电力建设项目财务评价的风险分析研究及系统开发

    Research and System Exploitation about Risk Analysis of Financial Appraisal in Power Construction Project

  30. 论文运用技术经济理论和方法,对微水集中供热项目财务评价进行了分析。

    In the thesis financial appraises of Wei Shui central heating project be done by using technical economy theory and method .