
  • 网络Shale oil and gas
  1. 中海油在去年10月曾与chesapeake达成一宗类似协议,入股德克萨斯州的一个页岩油气项目。

    CNOOC did a similar deal with Chesapeake in October for a stake in a shale oil and gas project in Texas .

  2. 对中国来说,更好的方案是开发本国巨大的页岩油气储量。

    A better idea is for China to crack open shale oil and gas reserves at home , which are enormous .

  3. 但中国的页岩油气行业与美国不同,中国没有成千上万独立的油气企业家相互竞争来提高产量。

    But unlike the US shale industry , China does not have thousands of independent oil and gas entrepreneurs competing to expand production .

  4. 对于压缩天然气汽车的兴趣是页岩油气革命之后大量天然气供应的结果。

    The interest in compressed natural gas vehicles is the latest result of the gas glut following the shale oil and gas revolution .

  5. 这可能会产生深远的影响,远不仅仅是中东传统产油国和北美新一代页岩油气生产国之间争夺权力的游戏。

    The consequences could be profound , and go far beyond the power game between the traditional oil producers in the Middle East and the new generation of shale producers in North America .

  6. 但如今,随着钻探技术的进步以及最近页岩油气的加速开发,美国正慢慢接近这个令人困惑的目标。

    But today , with advances in drilling technologies and the recent surge in the development of oil and gas from shale rock , the country is inching closer to the elusive goal .

  7. 而严峻的现实是,面对油价直线下降,生产成本居高的美国页岩油气公司要担心的东西远远超过俄罗斯(或者沙特)。

    The harsh reality is that American shale fields have much more to fear from plummeting oil prices than the Russians ( or the Saudis ), since their costs of production are much higher .

  8. 因此,煤层气、致密砂岩气、火山岩油气、页岩油气等非常规能源越来越受到油气勘探家的重视。

    Therefore , coalbed methane , tight sands gas , volcanic rock , shale oil and gas and other unconventional energy become more and more important , and oil and gas explorationists are attention of it .

  9. 而如果这些油井开始停产,美国经济就会面临灾难,因为这几年美国经济的增长全靠页岩油气行业支撑。

    And it they start shutting down , it 'll be disastrous for the American economy , since the growth of the shale industry has underpinned 100 % of US economic growth for the past several years .

  10. 但唐熙华表示,俄罗斯在北极未开发资源和西伯利亚页岩油气储量的开采受到制裁的威胁,由于金融上的制裁,这些大型集团将开始削减它们的活动。

    But Russian production from untapped resources in the Arctic and shale reserves in Siberia are threatened by sanctions , he said . Because of financial sanctions , the big gorillas are going to start cutting their activities .

  11. 他说,美国页岩油气繁荣掩盖了日益增长的全球供应不足的风险,但这种效果将会消退,让全球经济危险地暴露于石油供应可能中断的风险。

    He said the US shale boom had obscured the growing risks to the world 's supply but its effect would wear off , leaving the global economy dangerously exposed to potential disruptions in the flow of oil .

  12. 但唐熙华表示,俄罗斯在北极未开发资源和西伯利亚页岩油气储量的开采受到制裁的威胁,“由于金融上的制裁,这些大型集团将开始削减它们的活动”。

    But Russian production from untapped resources in the Arctic and shale reserves in Siberia are threatened by sanctions , he said . " Because of financial sanctions , the big gorillas are going to start cutting their activities . "

  13. 沙特大幅减产的细节在石油输出国组织(OPEC)在维也纳开会前夕得以公布。这与水力压裂释放大量页岩油和页岩气所带来的美国能源产量飙升形成对比。

    The sharp fall in Saudi production , details of which were published ahead of a meeting in Vienna of the Opec oil cartel , contrasts with surging US energy output as hydraulic fracturing or fracking have unlocked vast quantities of shale oil and gas .

  14. 最明显的是,页岩油和页岩气将减轻美国对中东的依赖。

    Most obviously , shale oil and gas will reduce dependency on Middle East petrocarbons .

  15. 美国之所以能够引领页岩油和页岩气的生产,其原因不在于美国的页岩资源特别丰富&其他很多国家都有类似的地质条件。

    The reason America has led the way in the production of shale oil and gas is not that it has a lot of shale & many other countries have a similar geology .

  16. 隐伏断层切穿工区蓬莱镇组的泥页岩盖层,油气保存条件受到一定程度的破坏。

    Drape of mud and shale of J_3P was pierced by concealed fault and it destroys petroleum reserved condition to some extent .

  17. 但在过去五年里,得益于水力压裂和水平钻井技术的进步,页岩中储备的油气被释放出来,上述局面发生了逆转。

    In the past five years , however , the situation has gone into reverse , thanks to advances in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling , which have unlocked reserves in shale rock .

  18. 我认为,对我们来说,问题不在于实际油价走势如何,关键是北美油砂、页岩气、页岩油产量以及其他地区页岩油气勘探水平的增幅能有多大程度的提高。

    I think , for us , it 's less about where the actual price is going & it 's more about how much more growth is left in North American oil sands , shale gas , shale oil , ' as well as shale exploration elsewhere , he said .