
  • 网络gluten;Gluten proteins;WGP
  1. 胰蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶和ProtamexTM复合蛋白酶水解面筋蛋白8h后Gln的得率分别是77.86%,69.58%和87.70%。

    The harvest of Gln to wheat gluten hydrolyzed by Trypsin , Pepsin and Protamex ~ ( TM ) was 77.86 % , 69.58 % and 87.70 % .

  2. 通过十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)对小麦面筋蛋白进行化学改性,提高小麦面筋蛋白的粘接强度和抗水性,从而达到作为木材胶粘剂的要求。

    In this paper , wheat gluten that modified with sodium dodecyl sulfate ( SDS ) was discussed , the object was improvement on the adhesive strength and water resistance so that it can be used as the wood glue .

  3. FTIR分析表明小麦面筋蛋白的二级结构是以β-折叠结构为主,经过变性处理会使小麦面筋蛋白部分β-转角结构转化为β-折叠结构。

    FTIR analysis showed that the main secondary structures of gluten was β - sheet .

  4. DSC分析表明经过变性后的小麦面筋蛋白的热变性温度远高于未变性的小麦面筋蛋白。

    DSC analysis showed that the modified temperature of modified gluten was higher than raw gluten .

  5. 在后续反应中,内源性谷胱甘肽从面筋蛋白中的SHSS交替转化过程中除去。

    In the subsequent reaction endogenous , glutathione is withdrawn from the SHSS interchange with gluten proteins .

  6. 酰化面筋蛋白应用于蛋糕生产的适宜添加量为500g面粉中添加6g,即为面粉质量的12%;

    The appropriate addition amount of succinylated wheat gluten in cake is 6 g per 500 g flour , that is 1.2 % of the weight of flour ;

  7. 面筋蛋白、阿拉伯木聚糖(Arabinoxylan,AX)及它们之间的相互作用对全麦面团的流变性质和全麦面包品质有很大影响。

    Gluten protein , arabinoxylan ( AX ) and their interactions have great influence on rheological properties of the whole meal dough and quality of the whole meal bread .

  8. 半胱氨酸(以氯化物形式存在的)会由于面筋蛋白中的SHSS交替转化而使面筋软化。

    Cysteine , in its hydrochloride form , softens gluten due to a SHSS interchange with gluten proteins , as outlined for GSH above .

  9. 研究超声波技术改变小麦面筋蛋白的功能特性。

    This paper has introduced extraction and peculiarity of wheat gluten .

  10. 酶解小麦面筋蛋白及多肽酒发酵研究

    Research on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Wheat Gluten and Peptides Wine Fermentation

  11. 不同蛋白酶水解面筋蛋白制备谷氨酰胺结合肽的比较研究

    Preparation of Gln - bound Peptide from Gluten by Different Proteases

  12. 小麦面筋蛋白膜的研制及其耐湿性的改善

    Development of Wheat Gluten Films and Improvement of Its Humidity-resistance

  13. 山梨醇为增塑剂制成小麦面筋蛋白膜特性研究

    Studies of Sorbitol ( Plasticizer ) on Properties of Wheat Gluten Films

  14. 冷冻环境对湿面筋蛋白中可冻结水的影响

    Effects of Freezing Conditions on Freezable Water in Wet Gluten

  15. 蛋白酶改性处理对小麦面筋蛋白溶解度和起泡性的影响

    The Influences Protease Modification on Wheat Gluten Protein Solubility and Foaming Capacity

  16. 面筋蛋白增溶作用研究进展

    The progress of study on the solubilization of wheat gluten

  17. 琥珀酰化和蛋白酶改性处理对小麦面筋蛋白性质的影响

    The Influences of Succinylation and Protease Modification on Wheat Gluten Protein Functionality

  18. 研究采用琥珀酰化小麦面筋蛋白应用于蛋糕生产。

    In this article , succinylated wheat gluten was used in cake .

  19. 离子强度对水溶性戊聚糖-面筋蛋白混合体系粘弹性的影响

    Effect of ionic strength on viscoelastic properties of gluten-water soluble pentosan mixtures

  20. 她说,现在很容易找到不含面筋蛋白的食品。

    She says gluten-free products are much easier to find these days .

  21. 琥珀酰化小麦面筋蛋白应用于蛋糕的研究

    The Study on Succinylated Wheat Gluten Used in Cake

  22. 预处理对小麦面筋蛋白功能性质及酶解特性的影响研究

    Effect on the Functional Properties and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Wheat Gluten by Pretreatments

  23. 小麦面筋蛋白深度酶解过程中呈味物质变化趋势的研究

    Study on Changes of Sensory Properties of Wheat Gluten Hydrolysates during Enzymatic Hydrolysis

  24. 以小麦面筋蛋白为原料,制备可食用包装膜。

    Edible packing films were prepared with wheat gluten .

  25. 控制酶解小麦面筋蛋白的研究

    Study on the limited enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat gluten

  26. 小麦面筋蛋白在水性内墙涂料中的应用

    Application of Wheat Gluten in Waterborne Interior Emulsion Coatings

  27. 小麦湿面筋蛋白的流变学性质

    Rheological Properties of Wet Gluten Protein of Wheat Flour

  28. 对以甘油为增塑剂所制小麦面筋蛋白膜特性的研究

    Studies of Glycerol ( Plasticizer ) on Properties of Wheat Gluten Protein Films

  29. 小麦面筋蛋白基塑料板拉伸性能的研究

    A Study on Tensile Properties of Wheat Gluten-based Bio-Plastics

  30. 小麦面筋蛋白特性及其应用

    The Properties and Applications of Wheat Gluten Protein