- Non production department;nonproductive departments

Production workers , management members and non - production staff are all involved in quality control .
We 've got too many people working in non-productive departments and not enough people in those departments where the workload is increasing .
The rising industries in material production , and particularly the burgeoning industries in nonmaterial production , often run short of workforce .
The main energy consumption sections are industry , traffic transportation and telecommunication , living consumption , nonmaterial production sectors , and agriculture .
Before reform and opening up , the service industry in our country was treated as non-material production department which does not create value , its development was seriously restricted .
Thus in the long term , the emergence and growth of new industries in both material and nonmaterial production are major reasons why a nation can increase employment amidst economic growth .
Building energy consumption survey has long been mixed in various areas of energy consumption , such as residential energy consumption was classified as urban and rural living energy consumption , while other types of building energy consumption is classified into the non-material production sector energy consumption .
The theory which management creates value does not distinguish management work of material department from non - material department and does not distinguish exploitation work of capitalists from exploited work of employees by capitalists and does not distinguish production of surplus value from distribution of surplus value .
With inflation in sectors producing non-tradeables relatively high , real interest rates were also relatively low in these countries .