
  • 网络aspherical;Aspherical lens;Aspheric lens;AspH
  1. UG下的非球面镜片的设计

    Application of UG in the design of aspherical lens

  2. 在本文中,用UG/KF开发了非球面镜片,并用UG/MoldWizard为非球面镜片设计了模具。

    In the article , aspherical lens was designed by UG / KF and the mold of aspherical lens was designed by UG / Mold Wizard .

  3. 介绍了一台适用于非球面镜片加工的数控光学加工机床&数控铣磨机(XM-50)。

    One CNC machine tool & mill grinding machine tool ( XM-50 ), which is suitable for the manufacture of the optical aspheric parts , was introduced .

  4. 本课题正是基于这种背景开发研制了一台适用于非球面镜片加工的数控光学加工机床&铣磨机(XM-50)。

    In the research , one CNC machine tool & mill grinding machine ( XM-50 ) which is suitable for the manufacture of the optical aspheric parts , is designed and developed based on the very background .

  5. 一种塑料光学非球面镜片的成型技术

    A molding technology for plastic optical aspherical lens

  6. 本文在UG/KF平台上开发了非球面镜片的开发系统。

    Based on the UG / KF , the development system of aspherical lens is developed .

  7. 该数控加工算法模块采用了双圆弧拟合算法,为加工出高质量的非球面镜片提供了理论基础。

    The bi_arc fitting algorithm is used as the academic basis to produce the aspheric lens in high quality .

  8. 传统抛光方法不能对铣磨成型后的小口径元件进行快速确定性抛光,对小口径光学非球面镜片的加工效率和加工精度难以满足市场的需要。

    The processing efficiency and processing precision of traditional polishing methods to small-diameter aspheric optical are difficult to meet industry requirements .

  9. 期能在非球面镜片制作上持续累积技术能量。曲面、弯曲或空心玻璃(不包括光学元件和经光学加工的玻璃)用于制作非矫正视力镜片

    Glass , curved , bent or hollowed ( excl. optical elements and optically worked glass ) for non-corrective or corrective spectacle lenses

  10. 黑貂是世界上第一支采用平面及非球面镜片近视泳镜,水上水下影像不变。

    Sable was the first in the world to offer swimming goggles with flat aspherical lenses , they don 't distort visions above or below water .

  11. 塑料非球面光学镜片注塑成型数值模拟与工艺优化一头有镜头另一头有胶片的不透光的箱子。

    Numerical Simulation and Optimization in Aspheric Optical Plastic Lens Injection Molding ; a light-proof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other .