
  • 网络African American;African-American;Afro-American
  1. 他提到了美国好几个州正在使用的帮助评估一个人再犯罪可能性的Compas工具。据报道,该工具倾向于歧视非洲裔美国人。

    He points to the Compas tool in use in several US states to help assess a person 's likelihood to reoffend , which was reported to have discriminated against African Americans .

  2. 快船队的大部分球员都是非洲裔美国人。

    Most of the Clippers ' players are African Americans .

  3. 确实,加纳和迈克尔•布朗(MichaelBrown)两人都是非洲裔美国人,而杀死他们的警察都是白人,抗议者聚焦于种族是合情合理的。

    Protesters have understandably focused on the fact that both men Garner and Michael Brown were African-American and that their police killers were white .

  4. 星期天,美国南卡来罗纳州议会外平静无事。之前主张白人至上的组织三K党的部分成员星期六在州议会外集会,抗议南卡取下内战纪念碑悬挂的邦联旗帜,他们与在附近示威的非洲裔美国人发生对峙。

    All is calm outside the southern U.S. South Carolina statehouse Sunday , a day after scuffles broke out when the white supremacy group Ku Klux Klan protesting the removal of the Confederate flag came face-to-face with African-American activists demonstrating nearby .

  5. 彭博资讯(Bloomberg)11月5日讯&巴拉克·奥巴马在第44届美国总统大选总获胜,作为第一个非洲裔美国人获得这个世界上如此重要的角色,掀开了美国历史崭新的篇章。

    Barack Obama was elected the44th president of the United States , opening a new chapter in the country 's history as the first African-American to hold the world 's most important job .

  6. A-HeFT试验表明非洲裔美国人硝酸异山梨酯联合肼苯哒嗪组的生存率要高于安慰剂组。

    In A-HeFT trial , you showed a combination of isosorbide dinitrate with hydralazine achieved a better survival rate than placebo in African American population .

  7. 美国公立学校种族隔离制度的形成与终结&以非洲裔美国人的经历为例

    The Formation and End of the Segregated Systemin American Public School

  8. 是底特律市为非洲裔美国人建造的第一个住房工程。

    That 's the city 's first housing project for African-Americans .

  9. 美国人,或者更确切地说非洲裔美国人擅长爵士音乐。

    American , or rather afro-american is good at jazz music .

  10. 直到60年代前有多少非洲裔美国人有投票权?

    Or how African Americans couldn 't vote till the1960s ?

  11. 奥巴马这次胜利主要归功于当地非洲裔美国人的人口优势。

    Obama owed his victory to a huge advantage among African Americans .

  12. 在许多非洲裔美国人的博客里都提到了什么?

    What do many African-Americans write about in their blogs ?

  13. 大约四分之三为男性,大概一半是非洲裔美国人。

    About three-quarters were men , and about half were African American .

  14. 结果可能就是一个年轻的非洲裔美国人在佛罗里达州被枪击,

    The result may be a young African-American gunned down in Florida ,

  15. 几十年来,在非洲裔美国人中,卡迪拉克都是身份地位的象征。

    For decades , it was the status symbol in African American communities .

  16. 他试图模仿电视或电影里的那些非洲裔美国人。

    He tried to mimic African Americans on television and in the movies .

  17. 今天非洲裔美国人占全美总人数的12%。

    Today African Americans are12 percent of the population .

  18. 非洲裔美国人更易于患镰型细胞贫血症;

    African-Americans are more apt to get sickle-cell anemia ;

  19. 当时,妇女和非洲裔美国人突然变得大受欢迎。

    Women and African-Americans were suddenly in hot demand .

  20. 所有的志愿者都是非洲裔美国人,他们是心脏疾病的高发人群。

    All volunteers were African American , a high-risk group for heart disease .

  21. 非洲裔美国人占美国人口的12%。

    Afro-Americans account for12 % of the US population .

  22. 布克成为参议院历史上第二位非洲裔美国人。

    Booker became the second African-American in the senate .

  23. 他还任命诸位非洲裔美国人来担任行要职。

    He also appointed several African Americans to prominent positions in his administration .

  24. 非洲裔美国人保守派,凯斯以他热烈的讲话风格著称。

    An African-American conservative , Keyes was best known for his rousing speaking style .

  25. 托尼·莫里森是第一位摘得诺贝尔文学奖桂冠的非洲裔美国人。

    Toni Morrison is the first African-American who won the Nobel Prize in Literature .

  26. 2008年11月4日是任何非洲裔美国人永远不会忘记的历史性时刻。

    November 4th , 2008 , an historic date no African-American will ever forget .

  27. 那时,由于非洲裔美国人的身份,他在职业生涯中受到了许多不公正的待遇。

    As an African-American in those days , he received much mistreatment during his career .

  28. 在乔治亚州,非洲裔美国人的投票人数多于2004年的人数。

    In Georgia , African Americans are voting in greater numbers than they did in2004 .

  29. 她注意到非洲裔美国人及墨西哥人比白人更容易发胖。

    She noted that African Americans and Mexicans tended to be more obese than whites .

  30. 萨姆·史密斯是一名非洲裔美国人,他就住在圣路里县。

    Sam Smith , is an African American who lives elsewhere in St. Louis county .