
  • 网络Africa;The African Continent
  1. 她热爱非洲大陆。

    She loved the African continent

  2. 欧美国家是不是认为非洲大陆是易于从事黑色交易(blackbusiness)的地方呢?

    Western country is think African continent is to be easy is engaged in " black trade " ( black business ) place ?

  3. 他独自一人从东到西横越整个非洲大陆。

    He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west .

  4. 尽管作为非洲大陆第二大西红柿生产国,尼日利亚却依赖每年价值10亿美元的进口西红柿酱,由于缺乏合适的储存设施导致大约75%的当地产西红柿都被白白浪费掉。

    Despite being the continent 's second-largest producer of tomatoes , Nigeria is dependent on $ 1 billion worth of tomato-paste imports every year , as around 75 % of the local harvest goes to waste thanks to a lack of proper storage facilities .

  5. 南非航空技术公司(SAATechnical)是非洲大陆最大最先进的飞机维修提供商,许多主要航空公司都是其客户。

    Many leading airlines are customers of SAA Technical , the largest and most advanced maintenance provider on the African continent .

  6. 咨询公司ihs能源(ihsenergy)表示,到2008年,中国企业总共已在非洲大陆签署了56份上游合同。

    By 2008 , Chinese companies had amassed 56 upstream contracts between them across the continent , according to consultants IHS energy .

  7. 南非共和国(TheRepublicofSouthAfrica简称南非),是非洲大陆上一个重要的国家,也是非洲大陆经济实力最强的国家之一。

    The Republic of South Africa ( abbreviated SA ) is not only an important nation in African continent , but also one of the most powerful economic strength countries .

  8. 在非洲大陆大大小小的区域组织中,南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)无疑是颇具潜力和活力的组织。

    Among regional organizations in Africa , the Southern African Development Community ( SADC ) undoubtedly is potential and dynamic .

  9. 这种合并导致了比它的祖先毒力更强的古代MSV病毒,在它迅速传遍非洲大陆之前就具有了感染玉米的能力。

    This merger resulted in an ancestral MSV far more potent than its parents , which moved into maize before spreading rapidly across the continent .

  10. Hassan做出结论说,这样的措施或许未必与呼吁成立“阿非利加合众国”这样的提议获得同样的公众注意力,但是它们可以让非洲大陆各国走得更近。

    Such measures may not attract the same public attention as calls for a United States of Africa , but they can help bring the continent closer together , concludes Hassan .

  11. 联盟首席执行官珍妮特•伍特(JanetVoute)说在整个非洲大陆,心脏病的发病率在不断增加。

    The Federation 's Chief Executive Officer , Janet Voute , says cardiovascular diseases are on the increase across the African continent .

  12. 如今路透社的AlertNet网站发表了一篇文章,回顾了非洲大陆各国的诊断能力。

    Now Reuters AlertNet has published an article reviewing the diagnostic capacities across the African continent .

  13. 加纳一直是非洲大陆竞争最激烈的市场。南非MTN、Zain和沃达丰(Vodafone)面临三家较小的竞争对手。

    In Ghana , held to be the continent 's most competitive market , South Africa 's MTN , Zain and Vodafone face three smaller competitors .

  14. 白纹伊蚊Aedesalbopictus,即亚洲虎蚊,是全球最具侵袭性的蚊种,近年来已传至北美、南美、欧洲和非洲大陆等至少28个国家。

    Aedes albopictus , commonly known as the Asian tiger mosquito , is currently the most invasive mosquito in the world . It has colonized at least 28 countries in North America , South America , Europe and Africa .

  15. 塔塔工业集团,移动电话公司bhartiairtel,以及一批医药生产商已在非洲大陆投入巨资。

    Tata , an industrial conglomerate , Bharti Airtel , a mobile-phone company , and a batch of generic-drug producers have invested heavily on the continent .

  16. 另外一个欧洲的重要玩家是土耳其Vestel电子公司,是非洲大陆最大的电视剧供应商。

    Another major player in Europe is Turkey 's Vestel Electronics , the largest supplier of televisions on the continent .

  17. 因此我确实认为MDG提供了一种机制,通过这种机制,领导人开始关注科学作为非洲大陆一批问题的解决方案的价值。

    And so I really think that the MDGs have provided a mechanism by which leaders have begun to pay attention to the values of science as a solution for a number of problems on the continent .

  18. 他还说,几乎没有外国援助具有在非洲大陆推广SciELO类型的网站这样的影响力。

    Few forms of foreign aid would make as much of an impact as facilitating a SciELO-type site across the continent , he adds .

  19. 位于赞比亚共和国西北省的Lumwana铜矿厂将成为非洲大陆上单个最大的铜矿厂。

    The Lumwana mine , which is located in the North Western Province of the Republic , will be the single largest copper mine on the African continent .

  20. 根据加纳智库IMANI的研究,与世界任何发展中的地区相比,更多非洲大陆的新兴企业家创造了横跨不同经济领域的系列公司网络。

    More than in any other part of the developing world , the continent 's budding business folk create networks of several firms across a number of different sectors of the economy , according to research by IMANI , a think-tank based in Ghana .

  21. 火爆的游戏舞台被设定在被战乱不断破坏的非洲大陆。

    Explosive plotline set amidst a terrible civil war in Africa .

  22. 中国鞋漫步非洲大陆的展望及若干建议

    Forecast and Certain Suggestions on Shoes Trading between China and Africa

  23. 整个非洲大陆正涌现出多种挑战。

    Across the continent a complex of challenges is bubbling up .

  24. 整个非洲大陆都能听到中国企业受阻的故事。

    Similar stories of snags can be heard across the continent .

  25. 非洲大陆法系国家法律特征初探

    Primarily Probing into African Continental Law System Countries Legal Features

  26. 非洲大陆的年龄中位数是17岁。

    The median age on the African continent is 17 .

  27. 非洲大陆仍提供了大量机会。

    The African continent still offers a lot of opportunities .

  28. 这些问题也并非局限于非洲大陆。

    Nor are these problems confined to the African continent .

  29. 他们已签约承建一条横跨非洲大陆的铁路。

    They have contracted to build a railway across Africa .

  30. 我住在欧洲,亚洲和非洲大陆。

    I live on the continents of Europe , Asia and Africa .