- Non forest land;【林】non-forestry land

Seasonal change in atmospheric SO_2 concentration in forested and non-forested urban lands
Discussion on Inventory and Management of Forest Resources in Non-Forest Land
Discussion on image visual judgement method for forest resource situation investigation ;
Forest fallow is an intermediate class Between forest and non-forest land uses .
The nearest neighbor index of plantation was lower than that of natural forest and non-forestland .
As a whole , the patch size of woodland was bigger than that of nonforest land and the patch shape had a very high variance .
For No. 13,14,15 compartments without human disturbance , the isolation degree of forest land was lower than nonforest land , suitable forest land , while that of afforestation was the lowest .
As a great deal of woodland resource lost and forested land of deteriorated severely from 1998-2004 . , of which 6 725.34 hm ~ 2 was changed into non-forested land owing to use alteration or expropriation & occupation , woodland resource management was facing the rigorous challenge .
Significant differences were also found in some lines between transgenic and non-transgenic stands , which need to be studied further whether foreign genes have any effects .
At the same time non-forest land area turns wide and distributing range enlarges . ( 2 ) From the landscaping and ecology angle , characters of two periods of landscape pattern are quantificationally analyzed in 1958 and 1999 ; all kinds of styles of landscape change ratio are confirmed .