
lù tiān jù chǎnɡ
  • theatre;open-air theater
  1. 这个露天剧场位于雅典卫城的南边,在每年一度的雅典节(AthensFestival)期间会有不少演出。

    This open-air theater , on the south side of the Acropolis , hosts a number of performances during the annual Athens Festival .

  2. 镇内还设有文化中心站、电影队、中心医院以及露天剧场、电视差转台等文化设施。

    The town also has a Cultural Center station , the film team , Central Hospital , as well as open-air theater , television and cultural facilities , such as poor turntable .

  3. 露天剧场不拢音。

    The acoustics of the open-air theatre are not good .

  4. 配有距离最近的座位的大型露天剧场(价差)。

    Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover ( price difference ) .

  5. 凯莉·克莱森、蒂姆·麦格罗、泰勒·斯威夫特、凯莉·安德伍德、米兰达·兰伯特等人的现场表演high翻了米高梅大花园露天剧场。

    Performances by Kelly Clarkson , Tim McGraw , Taylor Swift , Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert rocked the house at the MGM Grand Garden Arena .

  6. 上个月他才在好莱坞露天剧场出演了经典音乐剧《芝加哥》中的BillyFlynn。

    Just last month , he appeared in the Hollywood Bowl 's production of the equally iconic musical Chicago , playing Billy Flynn .

  7. 好莱坞露天剧场今晚有gershwin的节目。

    The Hollywood Bowl has Gershwin tonight .

  8. 他会在露天剧场外面演出

    He 's gonna be outside at one of the amphitheaters .

  9. 露天剧场参加一个露天的现场表演吧。

    Outdoor Theater - Attend an outdoor performance or live play .

  10. 好莱坞圆形的露天剧场非常壮观。

    Hollywood Bowl , the huge outdoor amphitheater , is very attractive .

  11. 安曼现代化城区里的古罗马露天剧场。

    The ancient Roman ampthitheatre set in modern central Amman .

  12. 他们当时正在洛杉矶的好莱坞露天剧场

    It turns out they 're actually in Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles

  13. 今天普尼克斯是娱乐秀和音乐会的露天剧场。

    Today the Pnyx is an openair theater for light and sound shows .

  14. 另外,联邦广场还有一座可以容纳1.5万余人的露天剧场。

    It has an open air theatre which holds more than 15000 people .

  15. 圆形露天剧场等的大门。

    An entrance to an amphitheater or stadium .

  16. 好了欢迎来到我们刚翻新的露天剧场

    Great Welcome to our newly refurnished openair theater

  17. 昨天晚上露天剧场的电影因雨不得不停演。

    The film shown in the open-air theatre had to be rained out last night .

  18. 狄奥尼索斯剧场建于公元前6世纪,是最古老的露天剧场。

    The theatre of dionyssos was built the6th century BC , the oldest outdoor arena .

  19. 这是考古学家只挖出一半的罗马露天剧场。

    This is the ruin of a Roman amphitheatre , of which archeologists have only half uncovered .

  20. 贝基:这出戏下个星期在伦敦一个公园的露天剧场上演。

    It will be on next week at the open-air theatre in one of the London pareks .

  21. 利卡维多斯山的露天剧场,每年夏天这里都会在晚上举办一些音乐会及戏剧表演。

    Overhead of open-air theatre of Lykavittos hill , each summer hosts musical , theatrical performances in evenings .

  22. 与室内剧场相比,露天剧场乐趣多多,同时能让你在蓝天下更休闲放松。

    Theater is so much more fun and relaxed under the canopy of the sky than in a stuffy theater .

  23. 在现在我们能体验他们居住在腓尼基,迦太基城,希腊神殿,罗马露天剧场,阿拉伯诺曼城堡和教堂的感受和阿拉贡遗产。

    Experience their legacy in Phoenician settlements , Punic cities , Greek temples , Roman amphitheatres , Norman Arab castles and Aragonese churches .

  24. 不似那些罗马富商所开设的小型圆形露天剧场的把戏,这些彰显皇权的奢华节目是由皇帝资助的。

    Unlike the games in smaller amphitheaters funded by wealthy Romans , these lavish displays of Imperial power were financed by the Emperor .

  25. 英国一名男子死亡,6人受伤罗马附近露天剧场,一个旅游胜地。

    A man from Britain was killed and six other people were wounded near the city 's Roman amphitheater , a popular tourist destination .

  26. 该剧场建于公元前5世纪,最早是人们向酒神祈祷的地方,是历史上最早的露天剧场。

    This theater built in the5th century BC , the earliest to wine is people prayed god places , is the earliest open-air theatre in history .

  27. 他们不仅成为了露天剧场的隔音幕,同时在夜间也变成了美丽的灯笼,营造了一种奇特的景观。

    Not only do they provide a protective acoustic backdrop to the amphitheater , they also transform at night into beautiful lanterns , illuminated from within creating a one-of-a-kind show .

  28. 这次表演已在好莱坞露天音乐剧场做了实况录制。

    The performance was recorded live at the Hollywood bowl .

  29. 它是在罗马建造的第一座露天圆形剧场。

    It was the first permanent amphitheater to be built in Rome .

  30. 它的名字叫M.O.B,有350个客房,文化中心内有书店、冥想室、露天音乐剧场和素食餐厅,供应本地有机农产品。

    To be called M.O.B. , the 350-room hotel will include a cultural center with a bookstore , meditation rooms , an open-air movie theater and a vegetarian restaurant serving organic , local produce .