- dew point;dew-point temperature

[dew point] 大气中的湿空气由于温度下降,使所含的水蒸气达到饱和状态而开始凝结时的温度
Dewpoint hygrometers provide an absolute measurement of humidity and therefore are essentially self-calibrating .
The porn stars in studded knee-high boots , black leather pants and little else travelled in a convoy down the city 's main thoroughfare Queen Street .
A mostly male crowd wielding camera phones and video cameras massed along the street as two armoured ex-military vehicles and motorbikes carrying 20 topless women and a few men drove by .
Snooker and tennis might be seen as some of the more " civilized " sports by some , but on several occasions streakers have proved that the ball-games could do with a bit more exposure .
Me too . Here 's is what I 'm hoping . I 'm hoping for a close game , some funny commercials , and maybe a few wardrobe malfunctions . That 's what I 'm hoping for .