
  • 网络Castle Howard
  1. 宴席摆在了霍华德城堡奢华的广场上,50位家人和朋友参加了婚礼。

    The reception took place on the lavish grounds of Castle Howard , with 50 family and friends in attendance .

  2. 店主托尼?韦伯斯特表示,他每周接待100多位中国游客,这些游客通常在游览过约克郡、霍华德城堡和其他古迹后来此就餐、稍作休息。

    Owner Tony Webster says he gets more than 100 Chinese visitors a week , who take a break from visiting York , Castle Howard and other historic sites to dine .

  3. 你仍然可以看到查茨沃思之家或霍华德城堡这样的古老房屋四周的花园。

    You   can still   see   the   gardens   around   houses   with   a   long history ,   such   as   Chatsworth   House   or   Castle   Howard .