
But its authors note that overwork has been on the rise for years due to phenomena1 such as the gig economy and telework - and they say the pandemic will likely accelerate those trends .
According to estimates of the size of the gig economy by the McKinsey Global Institute , 70 to 80 per cent of people in the US and Europe have nothing to do with it .
They are beginning to fret far more about insecure contracts , precarious scheduling , low wages and new forms of work via online gig economy platforms such as Uber .
James Surowiecki , writing in The New Yorker , recently argued for " something else , " and called for a regulatory overhaul to give " gig-economy workers a better balance of flexibility and security . "
The O2O model has been subjected to scrutiny elsewhere , especially in the US , where many apps that form the basis of the " gig economy " have failed after venture funding dried up .
I also wanted to see if it would be possible in the gig economy to earn more than the minimum national wage of £ 7.20 per hour , as companies such as Deliveroo and Uber often claim .
In a speech in the summer of 2015 , she noted that start-ups in the on-demand or so-called gig economy - Uber , Airbnb and their ilk - were unleashing innovation but also raising hard questions about workplace protection and what a good job will look like in the future .
If the tribunal panel finds for the GMB , it could broaden the legal definition of who counts as a worker in the UK - emboldening similar claimants in other countries , while making many in Britain 's gig economy eligible for more rights and protections .
It provides its many part-time drivers with the flexibility they crave in the gig economy .
As for the fortunes of the gig economy , the UK will be a key country to watch .
Go back to the 18th century and you would find a place like London was one big gig economy .
Love it or hate it , the one aspect of the gig economy that most people agree on is its newness .
It has replaced them with amateurs with no capacity to plan ahead - and little time to hustle for compensatory tips .
The gig economy is only part of a shift in employment over the past three decades , unleashed by technology and global trade .
Many lawyers think it more likely the judgment will improve the working conditions of hundreds of thousands of people now employed in Britain 's casual , or " gig , " economy .
She has ordered a review into workers " rights to make sure those in the gig economy benefit from flexibility and innovation and do not fall through the cracks into an 18th-century world .
What the gig economy really does is undercut seasoned service workers who have learnt through experience that it makes sense to smooth prices across low and high peak periods for the sake of professionalism .
In the gig economy , where workers struggle to make the minimum wage but cannot rely on a cash exchange to generate a tip-giving opportunity , the discretionary system just does not cut it .
To maximise earning potential , gig economy workers often become jacks of all trades , signed up to as many different task apps as possible to capture surge rate opportunities as best they can .
But a recent experience in the gig economy , which is trying to do away with tips altogether , has made me realise that those differences may be closely tied to how career-minded we expect our service workers to be .
One answer could be for gig economy companies to let workers choose between arrangements : one where they exert control over how the person works in exchange for some protection , and the other where the person has more freedom but shoulders more risk .