• rain;wet
  • 从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。

  • 下雨,落下:~雪。


(从云层中降向地面的水) rain:

  • 暴雨

    torrential rain; rainstorm;

  • 避雨

    seek shelter from the rain;

  • 大雨

    heavy rain;

  • 及时雨

    timely [welcome] rain;

  • 雷雨


  • 毛毛雨


  • 大雨滂沱。

    The rain is coming down in sheets.

  • 大雨倾盆。

    The rain is pelting down.; It rains cats and dogs.

  • 大雨如注。

    The rain came down in torrents.

  • 瓢泼大雨猛烈地下起来。

    The rain commenced pouring violently down.

  • 下雨啦!

    Here comes the rain!

  • 雨停了。

    The rain has stopped.; It has rained over.

  • 雨下了整整一个星期。

    It has rained all the week.

  1. 冒这样的雨出去,你会成落汤鸡的。

    You 'll get soaked if you go out in this rain .

  2. 开始会有雨,雨后间晴。

    There will be rain at first , with sunny spells later .

  3. 果然不出所料,婚礼的那天下起了雨。

    Inevitably , it rained on the day of the wedding .

  4. 白天大部分时间应无雨,间有阳光。

    The day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals .

  5. 新到的救济金是低收入家庭的及时雨。

    This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families .

  6. 雨下起来时,大家都跑着找地方避雨。

    Everyone ran for cover when it started to rain .

  7. 我们要等到雨停了再出去。

    We 're waiting for the rain to stop before we go out .

  8. 这该死的雨真他妈的让我心烦!

    I 'm fucking sick of this fucking rain !

  9. 碎片从上面像雨点儿一样落在我们身上。

    Falling debris rained on us from above .

  10. 炸弹雨点儿似的落在这座城市的街道上。

    Bombs rained on the city 's streets .

  11. 咱们等雨停了吧。

    Let 's wait until the rain stops .

  12. 明天有雨。

    It 's going to be wet tomorrow .

  13. 这场雨整整一下午都下个不停。

    The rain continued to fall all afternoon .

  14. 雨天使他们无法户外用餐。

    The rain prevented them from eating outdoors .

  15. 雨下了整整三个小时。

    It rained solidly for three hours .

  16. 预报周末有雨。

    Rain is forecast for the weekend .

  17. 雨下得比以往都大。

    It 's raining worse than ever .

  18. 雨点击打着窗户。

    The rain beat against the windows .

  19. 这场雨整整一下午都下个不停。

    The rain continued falling all afternoon .

  20. 雨下了整整一个下午。

    The rain kept up all afternoon .

  21. 雨渐渐停下来。

    The rain is clearing slowly .

  22. 雨停了没有?

    Has it stopped raining yet ?

  23. 外面雨下得很大。

    It was raining hard outside .

  24. 雨不停地下着。

    The rain was falling steadily .

  25. 雨连续下了整整一个星期。

    It rained non-stop all week .

  26. 雨不紧不慢地下着。

    The rain fell steadily .

  27. 可恶的雨,我们一到海滩它就非得下起来。

    Of course , it had to start raining as soon as we got to the beach .

  28. 雨瓢泼而下。

    The rain poured down .

  29. 典型的英国天气,时雨时晴。

    Typical English weather ─ one minute it 's raining and the next minute the sun is shining .

  30. 因雨停赛。

    Rain stopped play .