
yǎ yuè
  • Yale;high-brow music;ceremonial/court music
雅乐 [yǎ yuè]
  • [ceremonnjal classic music] 古代指帝王朝贺、祭祀天地等大典所用的音乐

  1. 考虑到有些客人根本不想和前台打交道,喜达屋集团还在纽约和加州库比蒂诺的两家雅乐轩酒店(AloftHotel)试用一种基于智能手机的“电子钥匙”。客人可以远程登记,然后直接进入他们订好的房间。

    For customers who don 't want to interact with the front desk at all , Starwood is piloting a smartphone-based room key at two Aloft Hotels , one in New York and one in Cupertino , Calif. Guests can check in remotely and waltz right up to their room .

  2. 论先秦俗乐、雅乐的音声特征

    Sound Features of Vulgar Music and Refined Music in Pre-qin Dynasty

  3. 我是凯撒,这是我女朋友维雅乐。

    My name is caesar , and this here is my vioiet .

  4. 这在大型孔庙雅乐舞蹈&祭孔乐舞中表现突出。

    This temple in large advocate in the grand dance-offering hole prominence .

  5. 雅乐&特定时代和文化的象征

    Ceremonial Music & A Symbol in Special Age and Culture

  6. 论周代雅乐理念的人文政治关怀

    Political Solicitude of Dynastic Hymns Idea in Chou Dynasty

  7. 但刘勰推崇先秦雅乐,贬责汉魏以下俗曲,主要受儒家诗乐理论影响;

    As Liu Xie has been mainly influenced by Confucian theory of poetry .

  8. 你永远都是那么迷人维雅乐。

    You are as radiant as ever , vioiet .

  9. 他不够时间的维雅乐。

    There 's not enough time , vioiet .

  10. 维雅乐是个好女人。

    That vioiet is one nice iady .

  11. 或更精确的说,从“雅乐”--一种东亚的音乐,

    or more precisely from Aak , which is a type of East Asian music ,

  12. 赤峰雅乐是在赤峰地区演奏、流传并得以保留下来的一种古老的传统宫廷音乐。

    Chifeng Yayue is an ancient and traditional palace music played and spread in Chifeng .

  13. 那应该也是维雅乐的意思。

    That was vioiet 's idea too .

  14. 2013年喜达屋酒店集团旗下雅乐轩品牌酒店将在俄克拉荷马城开业。

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide will debut its select-service Aloft brand in Oklahoma City in2013 .

  15. 雅乐与俗乐是两种不同风格的音乐,有着不同的阶级性。

    Refined music and popular music fall on two different styles and take on different class characters .

  16. 因此这套雅乐舞蹈制作不久,就无可避免的走向衰落。

    Not long after this set of Elegant Music was composed , it inevitably plunged into a downfall .

  17. 再往后,齐宣王一听到雅乐这个名称,就吓得变颜变色。

    Later on , King Xuan of Qi would even turn pale if he heard the word Elegant Music .

  18. 伎乐舞蹈,是一个很宽泛的概念,包括除雅乐舞蹈之外舞蹈形式。

    The Jiyue dance is a broad concept that included any ancient dance forms other than the Yayue dance .

  19. 雅乐轩俄克拉荷马城酒店将坐落于俄克拉荷马城的新兴艺术与娱乐地区&布雷克小镇。

    Aloft Oklahoma City Downtown-Bricktown will be located in Bricktown , the city 's revitalized arts and entertainment district .

  20. 雅乐是中国传统音乐的重要组成部分,它曾书写了中国古代历史的难忘的一页。

    As an important part of Chinese traditional music , ceremonial music embodied the unforgettable side of the Chinese ancient history .

  21. 隋唐时期的雅乐虽规模宏大,但燕乐也在快速发展壮大。

    Though Ya Music in Sui-Tang Period has very magnificent scope , Yan Music had been developing very rapidly , too .

  22. 现在还有踪迹可寻的祭孔乐舞,就是雅乐舞蹈的孑遗。

    The dances to pay tribute to Confucius that may be found today is just the last traces of the Elegant Dance .

  23. 然而,长期以来,关于唐代雅乐的意义与地位存在较大争议。

    However , a long time , the significance of the Tang Dynasty Court Music and position there is a big controversy .

  24. 自中国古代阶级社会形成以来,宫廷雅乐与民间俗乐就形成了相互对立的特征。

    Since the formation of class society in ancient China , there were opposing features between the court music and the pop music .

  25. 它与传统的雅乐、古乐相融合,渗透到社会各个层面。

    It infiltrated every tier of the society by integrating itself into traditional Chinese ' elegant music ' and ' ancient music ' .

  26. 汉以后,雅乐多次失传,以至人们认为它只是一个假古董。

    After Han Dynasty , the fact that ritual music was lost again and again convinces people that it is only a fake curio .

  27. 全文共分为五章,从雅乐、清乐、燕乐及其歌辞等方面进行论述。

    The dissertation is divided into five chapters totally proceeding the treatise from the Ceremonial Music , Qing Yue and Yan Yue and so on .

  28. 礼乐:中国传统音乐的常青之树&评《中国历代孔庙雅乐》

    Ritual Music : an Ever Green Tree in Traditional Chinese Music & On Ritual Music at Confucian Temple over the Past Dynasties in China ;

  29. 另外,库比蒂诺的那家雅乐轩酒店不想被Yobot比下去,它很快也将拥有自己的机器人服务员“Botlr”。

    And , not to be outdone by the Yobot , the Cupertino Aloft will soon get its own robotic bellhop named " Botlr . "

  30. 西周初年制定的雅乐体系,便是我国乐舞文化进入成熟期的里程碑。

    The " Yayue "( elegant music ) system established in the early Western Zhou Dynasty was a milestone marking maturity of the Chinese dance culture .