
yǎ pí shì
  • Yuppies
雅皮士[yǎ pí shì]
  1. 我们身边有太太团,雅皮士,还有都市型男,如今,我们又有了一个新的社会群族:中嫩族。

    We 've had WAGS , yuppies and metrosexuals ; now meet our newest social phenomenon , TWITs .

  2. 他们只不过是一对金钱多理智少的雅皮士。

    They 're just a couple of yuppies with more money than sense .

  3. 这个家伙是个肤浅的雅皮士,没有什么头脑。

    This guy is a superficial yuppie with no intellect whatsoever

  4. 这辆保时捷911让我想起了雅皮士时代最不堪的那些日子。

    The Porsche 911 reminds me of the worst parts of the yuppie era .

  5. 突然之间,一个新的物种出现了:雅皮士(yuppie)。

    Suddenly a new species emerged : the yuppie .

  6. 在小屏幕上,关于雅皮士的经典之作包括《三十而立》(Thirtysomething)和《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld);

    The yuppie apotheosis on the small screen was " Thirtysomething " and " Seinfeld " ;

  7. 当这群雅皮士在维恩图(Venndiagram)上出现重叠区域时,我们崇敬着其中那些领袖人物,犹如崇敬着一些电影明星(事实如此,他们常常被电影明星演绎——以史蒂夫·乔布斯为例,三年之中就有两次)。

    When the Venn diagram intersects , we revere their leaders almost like movie stars ( indeed , they are often portrayed by them - in the case of Steve Jobs , two times in three years ) .

  8. 在所有适于刊登在家庭小报上的特殊社会经济学称谓当中,有一个曾风靡于二十世纪八九十年代的词在进入了二十一世纪之后逐渐没落了,那就是“雅皮士”(yuppie)。

    Of all the family-newspaper-appropriate socioeconomic slurs , one that was ubiquitous in the 1980s and " 90s is slowly on its way out in this millennium : yuppie .

  9. 我们附近最近变成了一个雅皮士聚集的场所。

    Our neighborhood has recently become a yuppie gathering place .

  10. 八十年代雅皮士的一个重要特质就是他们肆意的占有欲;

    Unbridled acquisitiveness was the central trait of the " 80s yuppie ;

  11. 显然他变成了一个雅皮士。

    It 's obvious he transformed into a Yuppie .

  12. “胡同鬼子”是80年代伦敦雅皮士的中国版,是智人的进化体,与“基金二代”也有亲密的血缘关系。

    " Hutongsters " are China 's version of London 's yuppies in the1980s .

  13. 当今技术领域的发展与21世纪的企业家精神也为雅皮士身份做了另外的包装与诠释。

    The tech sector and 21st-century entrepreneurship serve as another cover and proxy for yuppiedom .

  14. 也许嬉普士反抗雅皮士追名逐利的行为是一种独创,应该受到赞扬。

    Perhaps the hipster 's rebellion from the yuppie 's careerism should be commended for its ingenuity .

  15. 我们不会像雅皮士把孩子当给别人。

    We are not going to be some yuppie couple pawning off our kid on other people .

  16. 你的父母是雅皮士

    Your Parents Were Yuppies

  17. 然后还有雅皮士衍生家族的成员,他们都是永不知足的消费者,只不过消费的产品各有不同。

    Then there 's the yuppie 's extended family : all insatiable consumers , just of different products .

  18. 站在色拉柜旁边哪个披头散发的女人有点像90年代的雅皮士。

    That woman with hair dishevelled who stand by salad cabinet is a little likes yuppie in90th age .

  19. 这些极具魅力的套装深受20世纪80年代年轻富有的都市专业人士(雅皮士)的喜爱。

    The attractive suits appealed to the wealthy young urban professionals ? @ yuppies @ ? of the 1980s .

  20. 而定义当代雅皮士的一个重要特质,可能是他们对失去财产以及降低纳税等级的恐惧。

    the dread of losing one 's property and dropping down a tax bracket may define the contemporary one .

  21. 杰夫是彻头彻尾的雅皮士,一向仔细地全力打扮自己的外表。

    Jeffery , yuppie to the max , was always as close to perfection in his appearance as he could be .

  22. 同时,有规律的充足睡眠和适当的锻炼也可以增强人们对雅皮士流感的免疫力。

    In the meantime , a regular sufficient sleep and appropriate exercise can all help people grow immune to yuppie flu .

  23. 这种线性通道为雅皮士的必经之路,是攀爬经济阶梯的正经人士的一大标志。

    This linear path was the yuppie sine qua non , the mark of a serious person who climbed the ladder .

  24. 雅皮士流感在某种程度上与精神状态有关,但却不容忽视,因为患者有猝死的危险。

    Yuppie flu is somewhat psychosomatic , but it shouldn ` t be ignored as sufferers face the risk of sudden death .

  25. 电影中的玩笑更多的是在针对那些生活在洛杉矶的雅皮士夫妇们和他们的收养行为。

    This joke is more of a reference to yuppie couples in Brentwood ( Los Angeles ) and that kind of thing .

  26. 雅皮士(城市职业阶层中的年轻人士)的红色条纹背带,以及我们那过多的爱情,到现在都还泰然自若的继续着。

    In red braces and huge stripes the Yuppie was born and also our love of excess that continued unabashed until recently .

  27. 它甚至还引起了一定程度上的媒体怀疑论&一度被称为“雅皮士流感”。

    It has even attracted a certain degree of media scepticism & being dubbed , at one time ," yuppie flu " .

  28. 所谓的小资显然是中国都市一族,介于西方人熟悉的雅皮士和嬉皮士之间。

    The so-called Xiaozi are a distinctly Chinese urban tribe that occupies a space somewhere between the yuppies and hipsters familiar to Westerners .

  29. 当一个雅皮士打开他的宝马车的车门时,另一辆车疾驰而过,把他的车门撞掉了。

    A yuppie opened the door of his BMW when suddenly a car came along and hit the door , ripping it off completely .

  30. 至于千禧年出生的这一代人,他们继承了极其脆弱的经济形势,又面对着难以还清的助学贷款,因而无法充分展现他们的雅皮士风采。

    As for millennials , they have inherited an economy too fragile , and student loans too insurmountable , to enable their full-fledged yuppification .