
líng yuán
  • cemetery;tombs surrounded by a park
陵园 [líng yuán]
  • (1) [tombs surrounded by a park]∶本指帝王或诸侯的墓地,今通称以陵墓为主的园林。也作园陵

  • (2) [cemetery]∶公墓

  • 烈士陵园

陵园[líng yuán]
  1. 他在烈士陵园安息着。

    He lies at rest in the Martyrs ' Cemetery .

  2. 有许多军人埋葬在那个陵园里。

    There are a great many soldiers buried in the cemetery .

  3. 今年清明节适逢周末,成百上千万人来到墓地陵园,用烧纸钱、献祭品,送纸糊的iPhone和塑料花篮的方式表达哀思。

    Over the Qing Ming holiday weekend , millions of people flocked to the nation 's cemeteries to burn paper money , arrange dishes of food and deliver trinkets ranging from faux iPhones to plastic flower boas as a way to express their devotion to the departed .

  4. 在阴霾天空下,陵园里分外妖娆娇艳的月季。

    The delicate and charming China rose in the tomb garden .

  5. 秦始皇陵园人造景观浅析

    A Simple Analysis on the Artificial Scenery of Qin Shihuang Cemetery

  6. 生态陵园规划设计浅析

    Preliminary Analysis of Planning and Design of Ecological Cemetery Park

  7. 整个山头是一座幽雅清秀的公园式陵园。

    The whole mountain is a fine elegant park-style cemetery .

  8. 经过了慈湖陵园,我们情不自禁地走了进去。

    After Chihu cemetery , we can not help but go inside .

  9. 那你说说看当年的陵园是个什么样子。

    Then , please tell us what the mausoleum looked like originally .

  10. 可是这里好像看不到什么陵园的建筑。

    But I could hardly see anything substantial related with the mausoleum .

  11. 陵园按建筑特色其分八大墓区。

    The cemetery has eight sections , each built is different architecture .

  12. 人们可以把骨灰撒在纪念陵园里。

    Ashes can be scattered in a garden of remembrance .

  13. 双塔寺烈士陵园的保护与开发研究

    The Double Towers Cemetery of Martyrs 's the Protection and Development Research

  14. 陵园艺术雕塑的文化意义

    The Cultural Significance of the Artistic Sculptures in the Cemeteries

  15. 上海龙华烈士陵园中他的浮雕可引以为证。

    His relief sculpture in Shanghai Long Hua Martyrs'Cemetery can prove it .

  16. 明代皇陵陵园结构研究

    Study on the Structure of the Emperors ' Mausoleums of Ming Dynasty

  17. 秦始皇陵是我国最大的帝王陵园。

    Qinshihuang Mausoleum is the largest one of Emperor Mausoleums in our country .

  18. 西安烈士陵园整修改造方案

    Schematic design of the renovation of Xi'an Martyrs Cemetery

  19. 同时,大蜀山文化陵园还安排了专车免费接送。

    Meanwhile , Shushan Culture Cemetery also offers free shuttles for tomb sweepers .

  20. 秦始皇陵园考古新发现

    New Discoveries in the Tomb Park of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty

  21. 陵园的设计理念与文化差异&中美两个陵园的比较初探

    Design idea and cultural differences of Memorial Park

  22. 秦陵园票务信息管理系统

    The Ticket Information Management System of Qin Cemetery

  23. 多位普普通通的巴基斯坦人自愿无偿承担起看护陵园的责任,一干就是30多年。

    For over 30 years , some Pakistanis volunteered to work as cemetery keepers .

  24. 因此,转变陵园单一纪念诉求的表达方式显得十分迫切。

    Therefore , to change the single memory demands expression of cemetery is very urgent .

  25. 这陵园是仿照秦代都城咸阳建造的。

    The mausoleum was built in imitation of the Qin Dynasty 's capital , Xianyang .

  26. 今年三月,上海陵园公司组织了一场白领减压墓地游活动。

    Cemetery companies in Shanghai organized visits to local graveyards for stressed-out workers in March .

  27. 广州起义烈士陵园园林树木白蚁防治初报

    First Report on Termite Prevention and Control of Garden Trees in Guangzhou Insurrectional Martyr Cemetery Park

  28. 陵园摆放着那些壮烈牺牲烈士们的石像。

    The park showcased the statues of those martyrs who were killed during the failed uprising .

  29. 汉阳陵陵园形制研究张之洞与汉阳铁厂

    ZHANG Zhi-dong and Hanyang Iron Works

  30. 怀旧本身就是一种宝贵的精神&记华北军区烈士陵园的保护与更新

    Recalling is a kind of precious spirit & Protection and Renewal of HuaBei Cemetery of revolutionary Martyrs