
  1. 帝王陵墓建筑的文化解释

    The Cultural Interpretation of the Architecture of Imperial Tombs

  2. 泰姬陵是座最美丽的陵墓建筑。

    Taj Mahal is the most beautiful monument .

  3. 中国古代陵墓建筑与陵墓雕刻探究

    Construction and Sculpture of Chinese Archaic Mausoleum

  4. 本篇论文主要以陕西唐代帝王陵墓建筑制度为主要研究对象,并在此基础上,探讨关于昭陵北司马门的复原。

    This thesis mainly with the Tang Dynasty kings Emperor 's mausoleum building system locate Shan'xi province for main research object , and on this foundation , inquiry into the concerning the north gate of Zhaoling to restore to original .

  5. 本文认为,帝王陵墓建筑记录了中国传统的生死观、等级观和其他文化象征义,是传统文化的重要组成部分。

    In this article , the author holds the view that the architecture of imperial tombs are the record of the traditional Chinese view toward life , death , class and so on , which plays an important part in traditional culture .

  6. 并且随着社会的不断发展与进步,在陵墓的建筑上逐步形成了一套完备的陵寝制度。

    With the process of the social development and progress , the buildings on tomb had gradually formed a complete institution of " tomb 's palace "( linqin ) .

  7. 唐代以前的石狮主要分布于陵墓、佛寺建筑中,被塑造为陵墓、宗教建筑守护者及护法者的形象。

    Stoned lions before the Tang Dynasty were mainly distributed in the tomb , temple architecture , and were shaped as the image of a guardian of tomb or religious buildings .

  8. 在巴加尔统治时期,在帕伦克成兴建了很多广场和建筑,包括最高的“碑铭神庙”(TemplodelasInscripciones,他的陵墓),这些建筑共同的特色是精致的灰泥浅浮雕。

    During Pakal 's reign , many plazas and buildings , including the superlative Templo de las Inscripciones ( his Mausoleum ), were constructed in Palenque , characterized by very fine stucco bas-reliefs .

  9. 这些陵墓是方形的建筑,里面有一个房间用来放棺材、木乃伊和一些来世所需要的随身物品。

    These mastabas were square buildings with a room inside for the coffin and the mummy and some things to take with you to the afterlife .

  10. 现存高76米,东西长345米,南北宽350米,占地120750平方米的陵墓及大量地面建筑遗迹和陪葬物。

    It is 76 metres high , 345 metres long from east to west and 350 metres long from north to south . The total area of the mausoleum and its accompanying building relics is . 120750 square meters .