
xiǎn jùn
  • precipitous;dangerously steep;dangerous steep;scarry
险峻 [xiǎn jùn]
  • [dangerous steep;precipitous] 陡峭险恶

  • 险峻的群山

险峻[xiǎn jùn]
  1. 其另一副力作《古韵泉声》则取材于他家乡的山山水水,山体错落有致,步满奇石怪石,显得坚实险峻,但有质朴自然。

    Another magnum opus " ancient musical sound spring sound " its draw materials on mountains and rivers , he of hometown , the massif is in picturesque disorder , the full strange stone and spectacular rocky peak of step , seem solid and dangerously steep , simple naturally .

  2. 山之险峻,宁有逾此?

    Could there be a mountain more precipitous than this ?

  3. 这条陆上路线要跨越一些非常险峻的大山。

    The overland route is across some really tough mountains

  4. 该镇坐落在陡峭险峻的悬崖边上。

    The town is perched on the edge of a steep , precipitous cliff .

  5. 从峭壁上下来有一条险峻的小路。

    A precipitous path led down the cliff .

  6. 形势险峻。

    The situation is very tense .

  7. 山峰险峻。

    The mountains are precipitous .

  8. PKλ上险峻理想在脱殊扩充模型中的保持性质

    Preserving property of precipitous ideal on p_k λ in generic extensions

  9. adj.大胆的,英勇的;险峻的爬那座险峻的山是大胆的行动。n.小屋;

    bold Climbing the steep mountain is a bold act .

  10. 那座险峻的山上只有一条羊肠小道。

    There is only one narrow passageway up the steep mountain .

  11. 我们知道生活中的那些险峻是什么,在这,在格莱德。

    We know what those mountains are , here at glide .

  12. 他们极想攀登这座险峻的高山。

    They have made an ambitious attempt to climb the dangerous mountain .

  13. 安道尔险峻的山谷之中主要种植土豆和烟草。

    Potatoes and tobacco are grown in Andorra 's steep mountain valleys .

  14. 景色的险峻与陡峭给我们留下了深刻印象。

    We is strike by the boldness and abruptness of the scenery .

  15. 和他们一起捕杀野牛,在崇山峻岭和登山者面前耸立着险峻的埃佛勒斯峰。

    The intimidating bulk of Mt Everest rose up before the climbers .

  16. 我们在险峻的路上颠簸着到了渡口。

    We bumped over the precipitous road to the ferry .

  17. 鲁道夫正在绕过一个荒凉险峻的海岬。

    Rudolf was rounding a bleak , dangerous cape .

  18. 昆嵛山在高和险峻地形里起伏不断。

    Mountain Kunyu ranges rise and fall , with high and precipitous terrain .

  19. 我们从险峻的高处眺望铺展在下面的城镇。

    From a precipitous height we looked at the town spread out below .

  20. 费力的;险峻的例句当时建造金字塔肯定是件万分艰巨的事。

    It must have been a very arduous task to build the Pyramids .

  21. 虽然她是一名滑雪高手,还是摔到了险峻的高山上。

    Although she was a good skier , she fell on a difficult hill .

  22. 我们终于登上了险峻的峭壁。

    We finally clambered up the precipitous cliff .

  23. 伟大是一种声誉,攀登上去是陡峭而险峻的。

    Greatness are an eminence , the ascent to which be steep and lofty .

  24. 司马台是长城中最险峻的地方。

    Simatai Great Wall is the most dangerous part of the whole Great Wall .

  25. 这些崖壁太险峻了,一旦开始爬就无法回头。

    And these were so steep that once he started he couldn 't turn back .

  26. 这就是险峻的龙首崖。

    It is like a dragon head .

  27. 他告诉我们这趟旅程的最后一段路非常险峻。

    He told us that the last part of the journey had been very difficult .

  28. 当爱招手时,你一定要追随,即使这条路险峻曲折。

    When love beckons you must follow even if its paths are difficult and steep .

  29. 我们知道生活中的那些险峻是什么,在这,格莱德,我们用歌声来歌唱他们。

    We know what those mountains are , here at Glide , we sing about them .

  30. 敌军万万没料到他会攻击阿登,其险峻又树林茂密的地形,逼得坦克只能沿狭道前进。

    The steep and densely wooded terrain forces his tanks to stick to the narrow tracks .