
yuàn xiào
  • educational institutions;universities and colleges
  1. 凉山大学在开设彝族文化资源管理专业过程中所遇到的一系列问题与教训,其他院校要注意规避。

    Other educational institutions may learn lessons form Liangshang University and pay attention to evading the similar problems .

  2. 本实用新型广泛适用于各种制造行业及科研、院校作计量标准器。

    The utility model is widely used as a measuring standard device for manufacture industry , scientific research institutions and educational institutions .

  3. 乐队的主音歌手曾是一位艺术院校学生。

    A former art student fronted the band .

  4. 没有达标的大专院校不会获得教师培训的资格。

    Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training .

  5. 芝加哥有6所颇负盛名的研究生院和专业院校。

    Chicago has 6 graduate and professional schools of high repute .

  6. 班级大小因院校类型而异。

    Class size varies from one type of institution to another

  7. 很多新建院校的管理不尽人意。

    The management of many new colleges was less than satisfactory .

  8. 这次会议是由22所院校发起的。

    The meeting was sponsored by 22 colleges .

  9. 这个区高等院校很多。

    There are many institutions of higher learning in this district .

  10. 某些情况下,院校可能不得不改变他们的培训计划,这使难度进一步加大。

    In some cases , colleges and universities might have to change their training programs , adding another layer of difficulty .

  11. 哈斯拉姆则表示,院校可以自由选择参加或退出外包方案,并且该方案尚未敲定。

    Haslam has said colleges would be free to opt in or out of the out souring plan , which has not been finalized .

  12. 基于该分析,系统内的各院校运营高效,这令人质疑追求大规模外包业务的价值。

    System institutions are operating very efficiently based on this analysis , raising the question of the value of pursuing a broad scale outsourcing initiative .

  13. 《华盛顿邮报》报道了普林斯顿大学经济学最近的一项研究,在该研究中,将那些在十二年级申请高选择性院校的大学毕业生与那些申请选择性略低院校的大学毕业生进行了对比。

    The Washington Post reported on a recent study by Princeton economists , in which college graduates , who applied to the most selective schools in the 12th grade were compared to those who applied to slightly less selective schools .

  14. 鲁宾诺夫说:"为这一小部分人提供这些机会的不只有精选的精英院校。"他补充说,大多数第一代本科生倾向于选择在线课程、两年制大学和通勤公立学校。

    " It 's not only the selective and elite institutions that provide those opportunities for a small subset of this population , " Rubinoff said , adding that a majority of first-generation undergraduates tend toward options such as online programs , two-year colleges , and commuter state schools .

  15. 高职院校扩招100万人

    Enrollments at vocational colleges grew by one million .

  16. 很快我就被两所院校同时录取,但是恰恰在这一点上,父母令我感到有些吃惊。

    I was quickly accepted into both , but this was the point at which l felt somewhat blindsided by my parents .

  17. 小云儿表示自己将来也想成为一名舞者,成为像张老师一样的人。多年来,“彩云计划”已经帮助了来自17个村的62名儿童,她们均被云南的艺术院校录取。

    Over the years , the " Colorful Cloud Program " has helped 62 children from 17 villages get recruited by art schools in Yunnan .

  18. 资助以训稳岗,今明两年职业技能培训3500万人次以上,高职院校扩招200万人,要使更多劳动者长技能、好就业

    This year and next , provide more than 35 million vocational skills training opportunities , and grow enrollment in vocational colleges by 2 million .

  19. 体育院校CAI制作室建设的探讨

    The Discussion on Building CAI Studio in P.E.Academy

  20. 麦肯锡在学报文章中概述的另一种选择则是仿效西点军校(WestPoint)等美国军事院校的方式建设法学院。

    Another alternative , he outlines in his journal article , would be to develop law schools modeled after American military academies such as West Point .

  21. CIS与高职院校形象的设计与传播

    CIS and Vocational School Image 's Design and Spreading

  22. 高职院校构建HRM体系的探讨

    Discussion on Constructing HRM System in Higher Vocational School

  23. 针对我国高等院校当前教育管理体制下的优劣,提出引进ISO9000质量体系原理的管理理念,实现教育管理现代化,推进教育质量全面提高的一些设想。

    Based on the advantages and disadvantages in university under the educational management system in China , this paper introduces the management concept of ISO9000 quality system to realize educational modernization and to improve all round educational quality .

  24. 方法采用临床症状自评测量量表(SCL90)对经济欠发达地区的部分高等师范院校处于成年早期的高年级学生进行了团体问卷调查。

    Methods Clinic Symptom Self-evaluation testing questionnaire ( SCL-90 ) was used to evaluate psychological health status of senior students of some normal school in low-economic area .

  25. 一些大学是私立的,中级之后的院校拥有学院自治权。

    Some universities are private . Post-secondary institutions have academic autonomy .

  26. 保护少数民族文化生态有多方面的重要意义。作为保护少数民族文化生态主渠道的民族院校图书馆要做到:建立特色馆藏,为保护少数民族文化生态提供文献和知识储备;

    Library is the main way of protecting minority cultural ecology .

  27. 高等院校的素质教育与教师素质

    Teachers ' Qualities and Quality Education in Institutes of Higher Learning

  28. 对高职院校化学实验教学改革的思考

    Reflection on Innovation of Chemistry Laboratory Instruction in Higher Vocational Education

  29. 市场经济与冶金院校毕业生思想教育

    Market economy and graduates ideological education in metallurgical colleges and Universities

  30. 高职院校学生档案管理工作刍议

    The Work of Students ' File Management in Higher Vocational Colleges