
The Sydney opera House showed us that anything is possible , and it demonstrated that sheer , seductive beauty f0r its own sake is nothing to be ashamed of .
Beneath its protective cranes , Notre Dame1 still embodies2 the horror and heroism3 that unfolded here two years ago .
By the Internet Plus , the government will establish an integrated1 information platform for elderly care and build nursing homes without walls in certain areas through which the elderly can enjoy services including daily care and fee payment .
They established hospitals to treat patients , train Chinese doctors and teach medical science , thus improving China 's modem medical system .
And he took me out into the outer square and made me go by the four angles of the square ; and I saw that in every angle of the open square there was a space shut in .
After coming into our Beauty salon , you will take on an entirely new look .
My institutional training had taught me the rules of science , and science was my god .
I saw the apartment almost as a sanatorium , a hospice clinic for my own recovery .
The Sense of Smell Institute found that lavender increases the amount of time spent in the restful , restorative phase of sleep .