- Limiting factor;restriction factor

The world 's current deepest diving manned submersible is DSV Limiting Factor , which reached 10927 meters last year .
In July and August , P was the main limitation .
Results indicate that P deficiency was a main limit for the plantation productivity .
N is the first limit factor .
Analysis on Restrictive Factors of GIS Development
The pH and contents of available heavy metals were likely to be the limiting factors for plant settlement .
An approach for assessing spatial distribution of agricultural non point source pollution in farm ecosystems , taking P as an example , is introduced .
The constraints of revegetation on contaminated soil were the toxicity of heavy metals and the low contents of available P and K.
Generally the stomatal conductance was not a factor to inhibit photosynthetic at high CO_2 concentrations .
The low pH and available phosphorus content may be comparative limiting factors of soil fertility in some area of Jintan county .
The results showed that the mam limiting factors of soil nutrients in the main kind of soil in the Heilongjiang province were N.
Compared with the first class , soil pH , available nitrogen and potassium were the slightly limited factors of the second class .
In the nutrient addition experiment , faster growth rates were found with additional P , suggesting that P was the potential limiting nutrient in the Dapeng'ao at that time .
There is a strong correlation between the Rayleigh scattering loss and the power confinement factor .
Strong and fluent activity of wind and sand is the key factor for plant species to settle in sandy-land .
Potassium is the main limit nutrient in this district for tobacco production .
The analysis by N / P ratio showed that N was a limited factor on the primary productivity in autumn and winter , but P was in spring and summer .
The content of nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients exceeded the eutrophication threshold , therefore , it could not be judged which was the main restrict factor of phytoplankton growth .
A high Mg use efficiency in evergreen coniferous forest and evergreen broadleaved forest indicates that Mg may be in a limited supply in the two scenic forests .
N is the restrictive factor for plant plankton in this ecosystem , P is restrictive only in the deeper waters with coral reef growth zones , Si is relatively abundant .
In addition , the changeable characteristics of the water-chemistry factors , the distributing rule of the N and P , the relation between limited nutritive salt and plankton and primary productivity were discussed .
Rice is one of the most important crops both in China and in the world , and its growth and development are largely depending on the supply of nitrogen ( N ) .
Pot and field experiments revealed that the nutrients of N , P , Zn , and Mn were the main limiting factors for wheat yields on light Sierozem in Ningxia .
It is believable that the method of analysis yield-limiting factors based on the decision-making tree and GIS overlay is practical in similar areas like Ningxia according to the theoretical research and its application .
The pollution of N and P has being heavier in recent years and the rate of N and P increases year by year . P has been the limitation factor of phytoplankton growth in Bohai Bay in recent years .
The biological removal effect of nitrogen and phosphorus and limiting factor of SBR technique after anaerobic digestion of centralized swine wastewater were investigated and studied .
The insufficiency of CO 2 in the greenhouse might become the primary restrictive factor for photosynthesis especially in sunny days when photosynthesis was vigorous and the greenhouse was badly ventilated .
The greater CO2 flux period appeared in June ~ August , and temperature was a main limited factor to influence CO2 emission in black soil region in North - east China .
The result displayed that the main nutrients limiting factors of young oil-tea soil were N , P , Ca and the yields would be reduced by 63.97 % , 61.32 % and 19.08 % without N , P , Ca.
The result of trial of 1996 1998 indicated that the key factor controlling crop yield was N , followed by P in the purple hill area in Sichuan , while crop yield can also be increased by applying K in this area .