
lù dào
  • upland rice;dry-land rice;dry rice
陆稻 [lù dào]
  • [upland rice;dryland rice] 不用灌溉也能生长(如在高雨量地区)的水稻

陆稻[lù dào]
  1. PEG胁迫下水、陆稻幼苗生长势比较研究

    Comparison of Growing Tendency During Young Seedling Between Paddy Rice and Upland Rice Under PEG Water stress

  2. 旱稻品种巴西陆稻根冠比(R/S)在干旱胁迫后显著上升,上升幅度达28.8%,而不同常规稻品种根冠比(R/S)在干旱胁迫后的变化均不明显。

    After drought stress , the root to shoot ratio ( R / S ) of Brazilian upland rice varieties increased significantly , the rising extent was 28.8 % , but the root to shoot ratio ( R / S ) of normal rice varieties changed few .

  3. 旱作条件下,随着施P量的增加,陆稻和水稻产量均随之增加;

    With the increase of P levels , grain yields of both upland and paddy rice were increased under DC .

  4. 水、陆稻根系性状QTL定位及其与环境互作分析

    QTL mapping and analysis of QTL × environment interaction for root characters of DH population from two Japonica rice cross

  5. 基于GIS的巴西陆稻IAPAR-9种植气候区划研究

    Climatic Zoning of Brazilian Upland Rice ( IAPAR-9 ) Planting Based upon GIS

  6. 不同类型稻种资源苗期NUE存在显著或极显著差异,且因氮素水平而异:低氮条件下,陆稻NUE显著高于水稻;

    NUE in upland rice was significantly higher than that in paddy rice under low nitrogen rate , whereas NUE between upland rice and paddy rice was not significantly different under medium and high nitrogen rates .

  7. 水稻淹水、陆稻淹水和水稻旱作各处理糙米中的As浓度分别为0.51、0.33、0.16mgkg-1,这表明陆稻和水稻均为As低积累品种。

    The arsenic concentrations of brown rice from paddy rice flooded , dry rice flooded and paddy rice aerobic were 0.51 0.33 , 0.16 mg kg-1 , respectively , it was showed that dry rice and paddy rice both are arsenic low accumulation varieties .

  8. 应用Richards方程对水作和旱作水稻与陆稻的籽粒灌浆过程进行拟合,研究两种稻灌浆特性在不同水分管理条件下的差异。

    The grain filling processes of paddy rice and upland rice under conventional paddy cultivation ( PC ) and plastic film mulched dry cultivation ( DC ) were fitted by Richards growth equation to study the difference in grain filling properties between the two types of rice .

  9. 陆稻不同品种(系)幼穗分化的观察

    An observation of panicle differentiation of different cultivars of Upland Rice

  10. 土壤水分对水、陆稻品质的影响

    Effect of Soil Moisture on Paddy and Upland Grain Quality

  11. 陆稻主要经济性状配合力研究

    Studies on Combining Ability of the Main Economic Characters in Upland Rice

  12. 陆稻抗旱性主要指标的研究

    A Study on Main Drought Resistant Index of Land Rice

  13. 云南热区传统陆稻品种的形态农艺性状多样性研究

    Diversity of morpho-agronomic characteristics in upland-rice varieties in tropical Yunnan

  14. 巴西陆稻引种试验初报

    TESTING The Primary Report about of Experiment Brazil Triphibian Rice Seeds Leading

  15. 国外粳型陆稻品系育性恢复基因等位性分析

    Allelic analysis of fertility-restoring genes carried by some foreign japonica Upland Rice Varieties

  16. 陆稻优异种质资源筛选与评价

    Screening and Evaluation of Elite Upland Rice Germplasm Resources

  17. 陆稻种质资源的抗旱特性研究

    Studies on Drought-resistant Characters of Upland Rice Germplasm Resources

  18. 陆稻抗旱生理和主要营养特性研究

    Studies on Physiology of Drought Resistance and Main Nutrient Properties of Upland Rice

  19. 地下水位对陆稻根系生长的影响

    Effect of groundwater level on growth and development of upland rice root system

  20. 水稻、陆稻根系蛋白质含量和同工酶研究

    Comparative Studies on Root Protein Content and Isozymes of Lowland and Upland Rice

  21. 水稻与陆稻的耐旱性及产量潜力的研究

    Study on the Drought Tolerance and Yield Potential in Paddy and Upland Rice

  22. 陆稻改良技术对山区农业可持续发展的影响

    Influence of Upland Rice Improved Technology on the Agriculture Sustainable Development of Mountainous Area

  23. 陆稻主要性状的产量效应及其育种应用

    A Study on Main Yield Traits of Upland Rice and Their Application in Breeding

  24. 种植方式对陆稻和水稻籽粒灌浆及垩白的影响

    Effects of Cultivation Methods on Grain-Filling and Chalky Grains of Upland and Paddy Rice

  25. 水分亏缺对水、陆稻秧苗生理效应的影响

    Effect of water deficit on physiological activities of paddy rice and upland rice seedlings

  26. 不同稻作下巴西陆稻产量性状的效应分析

    Effect of Traits of Brazilian Upland Rice on Its Yield in Different Cropping Systems

  27. 本文分别对五个陆稻品种(系)及两个水稻品种的幼穗分化过程进行了观察。

    The panicle differentiation of five upland rice and two paddy rice cultivars were observed .

  28. 按照丁颖对水稻幼穗分化期的划分方法,划分陆稻幼穗分化各期。

    According to Ding Ying 's rule , the panicle differentiation stage s were observed .

  29. 云南南部山区农户陆稻生产的投入产出分析

    Input and Output Analysis of Farmers ' Upland Rice Production in Upland of Southern Yunnan

  30. 种植方式对水稻和陆稻氮素吸收利用的影响

    Effects of Cultivation Methods on Nitrogen Absorption and Use Efficiency of Upland and Paddy Rice