
  1. 在浅地层地震剖面上可识别出6个地震地层单元,其中单元A、C、E属于高海平面时形成的海相地层,单元B、D、F属于低海平面时形成的陆相地层;

    Six seismic units are defined from the seismic profile , in which units A , C and E belong to sea faces formed when the sea level was high , but units B , D and F belong to continental facies formed when the sea level was deep .

  2. 与Bc-1孔相同,研究区沉积地层与冰期旋回具有明显的对应关系,冰期时形成陆相地层,间冰期时形成海相地层。

    Similar to those in Core Bc-1 , the depositional strata in the area have obvious corresponding relation to the glacial-interglacial cycles , that is , the continental facies strata were formed during the glacial periods , and the marine facies strata were formed during the interglacial periods .

  3. 研究区石炭系的上覆中生界和新生界等陆相地层中发育多套条件较优越的盖层。

    Good cap rocks developed in overlying Mesozoic and Cenozoic layers .

  4. 陆相地层渗透性砂层预测方法

    A prediction method for permeable sand bed in land facies formations

  5. 东北北部石炭二叠纪陆相地层及古地理概况浙江省上石炭统&中二叠统生物地层划分进展

    Biostratigraphic division of the Upper Carboniferous to Middle Permian in Zhejiang

  6. 普陀山全新世陆相地层的发现及其意义

    Discovery of recent terrigenous deposit in Putuo Island and its significance

  7. 中国东南部侏罗纪&第三纪陆相地层沉积特征

    The sedimentary features of the jurassic-tertiary terrestrial strata in Southeast China

  8. 陆相地层中亮点的检测效果

    The detecting effect of bright spot from continental sedimentation data

  9. 陆相地层层序到储层流动单元的层次结构分析

    Study on hierarchical structure from terrigenous sequences stratigraphy to flow units in reservoirs

  10. 中国三叠纪陆相地层及植物群

    Triassic non - marine strata and flora of China

  11. 高分辨率层序地层学在陆相地层研究中若干问题的讨论

    Discussion on some problems of high resolution sequence stratigraphy in the study of continental stratigraphy

  12. 楚雄盆地是中国南方中新生代改造型沉积盆地,自晚三叠世该盆地形成以来,先后沉积了海相、海陆交互相及陆相地层。

    Chuxiong basin is a reformed Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin , which locates in the Southern China .

  13. 中国东部若干中新生代盆地陆相地层中的遗迹化石及其环境意义

    The discovery of trace fossils in Mesozoic-Cenozoic DIWA BASINS in eastern China and its environmental significance

  14. 如何控制陆相地层横向不稳定性,是盆地分析的难点。

    The difficulty for analysing basin sedimentation is how to control the horizontal variation of continental strata .

  15. 剥蚀与沉积的相关性是陆相地层划分的基础

    The correlation of erosion and deposition as a basis for the stratigraphic ( division ) of continental basins

  16. 该区中生代陆相地层发育完好,是世界上中生代陆相地层研究的典型地区之一。

    This area is one of the most typical areas in the world , with well-developed continental Mesozoic sediments .

  17. 运用适合于陆相地层分析的高分辨率层序地层学理论分析了渤海海域古近系层序地层学特征。

    The sequence stratigraphic characteristics of the Palaeogene in Bohai Sea area were analyzed by the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy theory .

  18. 一种控制陆相地层横向变化的方法&以民和盆地早白垩世地层为例

    A method for controlling the horizontal variation of continental strata & take the lower Cretaceous Series in Minhe Basin as a study example

  19. 松辽盆地白垩系属陆相地层,三分性明显,自然划分为下、中、上三统,这种划分方案正被更多的地质工作者所接受。

    The Upper Cretaceous , the Middle Cretaceous and the Lower Cretaceous . This division is being accepted by more and more chinese geologists .

  20. 辽西地区是我国中生代陆相地层和热河生物群研究的经典地区之一,已有80多年的研究历史。

    Western Liaoning has been one of the classic areas for studying the late Mesozoic strata and the Jehol Biota for over eighty years .

  21. 理论研究与实践分析表明,在陆相地层研究中,将经典层序地层学与高分辨率层序地层学理论相结合,是提高理论研究的科学性与实际应用效率的有意义的方法。

    In a word , it is very significant theoretically and practically to amalgamate the classic and high-resolution sequence stratigraphy organically to the lacustrine formation investigation .

  22. 深水区储层至少有三套,始新世陆相地层、下渐新统海陆过渡相地层和上新统及其以上海相深水扇。

    There are at least three reservoir cases in deepwater : Eocene terrestrial formation , low Oligocene transitional formation and Pliocene and above marine deepwater fans .

  23. 针对陆相地层发育特点,讨论了层序地层学基本原理在陆相地层中应用的可行性。

    The author aimed at the character of the continental stratum development to discuss the feasibility of the application of classical sequence stratigraphy to continental stratum .

  24. 古鄱阳湖盆地东北缘白垩纪地层的新材料&兼论陆相地层清理后的问题讨论

    New data of the Cretaceous strata on the northeast margin of the old Boyang Lake basin : a discussion on the problems after clarification of terrestrial formation

  25. 油田所在的下刚果盆地主要经历了裂谷期、过渡期和热沉降期三个阶段的构造演化,相应沉积了裂谷期陆相地层、过渡期蒸发岩层和热沉降期海相地层。

    Corresponding to three tectonic evolution stages of rifting , transition and thermal depression undergone in Lower Congo Basin , continental , evaporite and marine sequences deposited .

  26. 文中介绍目前国际侏罗系-白垩系界线研究的进展以及我国东北地区下白垩统和相关陆相地层的研究现状。

    We here briefly review the recent progress in the study on the global Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary and its implications for the continental J-K boundary in China , particularly in northeastern China .

  27. 秦岭石炭二迭纪有孔虫及其地质意义在以往一直认为属于陆相地层的宁波组中,发现了大量有孔虫、介形虫和软体动物化石。

    Ningbo Formation has long been considered to belong to a terrestrial one , but recently a large number of foraminiferal , ostracoda and mollusca fossils have been discovered in it .

  28. 陆相地层层序研究的方法体系主要包括露头层序研究方法、实验观测和分析方法、测井层序地层分析、地震层序地层分析和层序地层的数值模拟方法。

    Methodologies for studying sequence stratigraphy in continental basins include outcrop sequence study , experimental observation and analysis , logging and seismic sequence stratigraphic analyses , and numerical simulation of sequence stratigraphy .

  29. 把盆外母岩的风化剥蚀与盆内堆积的相关性关系研究紧密结合起来,可以极大地提高陆相地层划分的分辨率;同时也有助于加强盆地构造活动的研究。

    The combination of extrabasinal weathering and erosion of parent rocks and intrabasinal deposition may improve the resolution of continental stratigraphic ( division ), and the understanding of tectonism in the basins .

  30. 在陆相地层发育过程中,层序发育与沉积环境转化是受盆地的构造沉降与可容空间、沉积物供给与沉积物堆积速率、盆地供水量与气候以及沉积作用过程的影响和控制。

    The development of continental sequences and sedimentary environment changes are controlled or influenced by the tectonic subsidence and space of accommodation , sedimentary supply and accumulation rate , water supply and climate and sedimentation process .