
  1. 陆小曼的故事并不好写。

    Lu Xiaoman 's story is not good to write .

  2. 这是他在追求陆小曼时说的话。

    It is what he said to Lu Xiaoman when he was pursuing her .

  3. 《美丽与哀愁》也不能免俗,抓住了徐志摩与陆小曼的婚恋大做文章,风流倜傥的诗人徐志摩与光彩照人的陆小曼碰撞在一起,正是一道不可不看的风景。

    " Peony Pavilion " are no exception , seized Hsu and Lu Xiaoman 's Marriage a big fuss , suave romantic poet Hsu Chih-mo and shiny , Lu Xiaoman crash together , it is a must-see scenery .