
fù jiā fèi
  • surcharge;extra charge;premium
  1. 政府对进口产品加收15%的附加费。

    The government introduced a 15 % surcharge on imports

  2. 但会让有些人失望的一个举动是,g20将推迟决定是否要对具有系统重要性的银行征收全球资本附加费。

    But in a move that will disappoint some , the G20 is set to defer a decision on whether there should be a globally set capital surcharge for systemically important banks .

  3. 快递须付高额的附加费。

    You have to pay a high premium for express delivery .

  4. 在国外使用此卡的2%附加费已经取消。

    The 2 % loading for using the card abroad has been removed .

  5. 打电话要支付每分钟48便士的附加费。

    Callers are charged a premium rate of 48p a minute .

  6. 海外度假游的价格受各种附加费的影响。

    The prices of overseas holidays are subject to surcharges .

  7. 你若同意合住双人房间就可以省下单间附加费了。

    You can avoid the single supplement by agreeing to share a twin room .

  8. 我们按理货收费率的100%收取附加费

    We charge extra fee at 100 % of the rates of tallying fees .

  9. 全美零售商联合会的一位发言人接受NBCNews的采访时表示,与他交谈过的商家中没有一家计划收取附加费。

    A spokesman for the National Retail Federation told NBC News not a single merchant he spoke to plans to impose the charges .

  10. 由于存在大量客户投诉,而且联邦政府相关机构开始对其进行审查,威力众无线公司(VerizonWireless)放弃了收取2美元附加费的计划。

    Verizon Wireless ( VZ ) dropped plans for a $ 2 surcharge fee after numerous customer complaints and scrutiny from federal regulators .

  11. 检查DB的路网子公司DBNetz在多大程度上优待DB的运费,本地的运费和长途附加费来实现。

    How much does DB Netz , its network subsidiary , favour DB 's freight , local and long-distance subsidiaries ?

  12. 汉莎航空(lufthansa)也在合谋操纵货运班机燃油附加费一案中得到了宽大处理。

    Lufthansa also received leniency for its role in exposing a conspiracy to fix fuel surcharges on cargo flights .

  13. 今年3月份,美国波士顿附近的一家内河邮轮公司汤姆哈珀河旅行公司(TomHarperRiverJourneys)表示,将在2016年新增一艘邮轮,所有的特等舱和法式阳台客舱全对单人旅行者免收附加费。

    In March , Tom Harper River Journeys , a river cruise company based near Boston , said that in 2016 it would introduce a ship with supplement-free staterooms and French balconies for solo travelers .

  14. 总部位于俄亥俄州韦斯特切斯特的AKSteelHoldingCorp。表示,其2月份发货的铁心硅钢的附加费将由每短吨10美元上调至165美元。

    AK Steel Holding Corp. , based in West Chester , Ohio , said it is raising the surcharge on February shipments of electrical steel to $ 165 a short ton from $ 10 a short ton .

  15. 就在几周前,英国的一家小型船舶(small-ship)邮轮公司雄伟游轮公司(MajesticLine)宣布,明年的每艘新船上,将有七个套间客舱中将有两间留给单人旅行者,而且不会收取任何单人附加费。

    A few weeks earlier , the Majestic Line , a small-ship cruising company based in Britain , announced that next year two of the seven en-suite cabins on a new ship will be for solo travelers and won 't have single supplements .

  16. 在新成立的欧洲系统风险委员会(ESRB)的协调下,附加费起初将定得较低,但当条件允许时将有所提高,以推动银行达到合规。

    Co-ordinated by the new European Systemic Risk Board , surcharges would start low but be raised when circumstances allow to nudge banks into compliance .

  17. 今年3月份,集广公司(ZegrahmExpeditions)在2015年的所有航线中,免除了三条的单人附加费:黑海环海行,印度、斯里兰卡和马尔代夫行,还有南乔治亚岛环岛行。

    In March , Zegrahm Expeditions eliminated the single supplement on three of its 2015 trips : a circumnavigation of the Black Sea ; a visit to India , Sri Lanka and the Maldives ; and a circumnavigation of South Georgia Island .

  18. 每天要收25美分附加费。

    There is a small charge of25 cents a day extra .

  19. 但是,股本附加费也不必“太过分”。

    But such a surcharge need not be " excessive " .

  20. 我们的账单上加了40法郎的附加费。

    A surcharge of 40 francs was added to our bill .

  21. 非美国运通卡会员人士同行附加费每位$400。

    Non American Express Cardmember companion surcharge $ 400 per person .

  22. 车辆购置税是由车辆购置附加费转化而来。

    The vehicle purchase tax is derived from vehicle purchase surtax .

  23. 逃避缴付或少付使用费的附加费支付水费及排污费直接付款授权书

    Direct Debit Authorisation Form for Payment of Water and Sewage Charges

  24. 这封快信的附加费是多少?

    What 's the surcharge on this express letter , please ?

  25. 第一条是关于临时移民的医保附加费。

    The first was about a health surcharge for temporary migrants .

  26. 酒吧里的座位不收附加费。

    There is no cover charge for seats at the bar .

  27. 本销售将适用买家附加费。

    A buyer 's premium will apply at this sale .

  28. 您能付五十美分的附加费吗?

    Would you pay the extra charge of fifty percent ?

  29. 保险的价格,附加费收取的原则等也属此类。

    The price of insurance , surcharges principles can also be confirmed .

  30. 录像出租店收取过期附加费。

    The video rental shop has a late fee charge .