
  • 网络epiphyte;adnascent plant
  1. 极端旱生性附生植物

    Biochemistry of drought resistance in plants extreme xerophilous epiphyte

  2. 附生植物:仅依附于其它植物体体表或物体表面生长的植物。

    Epiphyte any plant growing upon or attached to another plant or object merely for physical support .

  3. 林冠附生植物还具有较大的叶面积指数(LAI)。

    Epiphytes have a tremendous leaf area index ( LAI ) .

  4. 这些工作包括用植物叶片典型症状、树皮、草本植物、附生植物指示气体污染(O3、PANs、NOx、SO2、HF、乙烯等)、粉尘以及重金属污染。

    The function of plants as indicators of air pollutants was achieved by using leaf typical symptoms , barks , grasses as well as epiphytic plants to indicate air pollutants , such as O3 , PANs , NOx , SO2 , HF , ethylene , heavy metals and dusts .

  5. 附生植物的例子是长在树枝腋上的蕨。

    Examples of epiphytes are ferns growing in the axils .

  6. 林冠附生植物生态学研究进展

    Advances in ecological studies on epiphytes in forest canopies

  7. 极端旱生性附生植物然而,它极具抗旱能力并在半干旱地区能够茂盛的生长。

    However , it is extremely drought tolerant and thrives in semi-arid regions .

  8. 附生植物种类所占比例大;

    High proportion of the species of epiphytes ;

  9. 美洲热带常绿附生植物的一个大属,常作为室内植物种植。

    Large genus of often epiphytic evergreen tropical American plants often cultivated as houseplants .

  10. 附生植物对山地森林生态系统的物种多样性形成及其维持机制、生态系统的水分和养分循环等有重要作用。

    Epiphytes play important roles in biodiversity sustainability , water and nutrient cycling in forests .

  11. 那些都是附生植物。

    They are all crawling plants .

  12. 共收集到附生植物69种,分属33科49属,其中维管束植物32种,苔藓植物37种。

    In total , 69 epiphyte species belonging to 49 genera and 33 families were identified .

  13. 云南石林喀斯特地区半湿润常绿阔叶林附生植物的初步研究

    A preliminary study of epiphytes in semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest in Stone-forest Karst Region , Yunnan Province

  14. 云南哀牢山山地湿性常绿阔叶林附生植物的多样性和分布

    Species diversity and distribution of epiphytes in the montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest in Ailao Mountain , Yunnan

  15. 作为垂直花园的18棵超级树表面由热带开花攀爬植物、附生植物和蕨类植物覆盖。

    There will be18 Supertrees , which act as vertical gardens covered with tropical flowering climbers , epiphytes and ferns .

  16. 附生植物一次持水量为自身干重的5.5~9.7倍。

    The water holding of epiphytes in the forest was high , reaching 5.5 to 9.7 times of its dry material .

  17. 研究附生植物对全球变化的响应及其生物指示作用,具有重要的指导意义和应用价值。

    To study the response of epiphytic plants to global change and their roles in bioindication has important guiding significance and application value .

  18. 铁皮石斛是一种生长缓慢、自身繁殖能力很低的兰科附生植物,只能依靠自身绿叶进行光合作用。

    Dendrobium is a slow growing , low reproductive capacity itself orchid epiphytes , only rely on their own green leaves for photosynthesis .

  19. 包括附生植物和攀援植物的根,这些根或悬挂在空气中或直立于树干或枝条上。

    Examples include the roots of epiphytes and climbers , which hang down in the air or stick to a trunk or branch .

  20. 许多兰科植物的根和一些附生植物的死细胞鞘以及根被都可以帮助植物从空气中吸收水分。

    The roots of many orchids and other epiphytes developed a sheath of dead cells , the velamen , which helps to absorb water from the atmosphere .

  21. 在全球范围内估计有29500余种附生植物,其中维管束附生植物的种类高达24000种,约占总维管束植物种类的10%。

    It was estimated that there are 29 500 epiphytic species , including 24 000 vascular epiphytes that account for 10 % of the total vascular species in the world .

  22. 结果表明:该群落以小、中高位芽植物占优势,分别为28.85%和17.31%,并有较大比例的地面芽植物(12.2%)和附生植物(8.33%)。

    It was showed by the results that in this community , micro-phanerophytes and meso-phanerophytes occupied the dominant position , accounting for 28.85 % and 17.31 % respectively . Hemicryptophytes ( 12.2 % ) and epiphytic ( 8.33 % ) had higher percentage .

  23. 附生维管束植物的ShannonWiener指数和Simpson指数分别为2.93和0.91,附生苔藓植物分别为3.31和0.95。

    Of these , 46.4 % and 53.6 % were vascular and bryophyte epiphytic species , respectively . The Shannon Wiener index and Simpson index were 2.93 and 0.91 for vascular epiphytic species , and 3.31 and 0.95 for bryophyte epiphyte species , respectively .

  24. 产于马达加斯加岛至热带亚洲和新几内亚的附生蕨类植物。

    Epiphytic ferns of Madagascar to tropical Asia and New Guinea .

  25. 有大叶子的附生蕨类植物;分布在台湾和菲律宾。

    Epiphytic fern with large fronds ; Taiwan and Philippines .

  26. 在生命的部分时间附生的植物。

    A plant that is an epiphyte for part of its life .

  27. 附生蕨类植物中,主要是水龙骨科12种,2217株。

    It was dominated by Polypodiaceae with 2,217 individuals , 12 species .

  28. 上海市树附生苔藓植物生态位

    Niche of epiphytic bryophytes on trees in Shanghai City

  29. 生长于热带森林和丛林地带的大而生命力强的附生蕨类植物;产于非洲、亚洲和澳大利亚。

    Large robust epiphytic ferns of tropical forest and scrub ; Africa and Asia and Australia .

  30. 热带亚洲的附生蕨类植物。

    Epiphytic ferns of tropical Asia .