  • steps;rank;stairs;scala;tier
  • 为了便于上下,用砖石砌成的或就山势凿成的梯形的道:~除(台阶)。~墀(台阶)。~级。~下囚。台~。

  • 等级,层次:~层。官~。军~。音~。

  • 凭借:~缘(凭借,依附)。

  • 由来:~祸。

  • 途径:~段。


(台阶) steps; stairs:

  • 石阶

    stone stairs;

  • 台阶

    a flight of steps


(等级) rank:

  • 军阶

    military rank


{医} (耳蜗的三个螺旋管的任一个) scala:

  • 中阶

    scala media


{数} order:

  • 非整数阶

    non-integral order;

  • 矩阵的阶

    order of a matrix


{地质} stage:

  • 瓦伦特阶

    Valentian stage;

  • 韦尔芬阶

    Werfenian stage

  1. 考虑到碱基对梯阶间的非紧邻相互作用,提出DNA宏观弯曲的经验预测规则。

    Empirical rules , which take into account the non-neighbor interactions between the base-pair steps , have been presented to predict DNA curvature .

  2. 在此基础上通过F_范数自适应控制量化阶距的变化,实现了基于F_范数的语音伪装算法。

    Furthermore , the speech camouflage algorithm is performed based on frobenius norm which adaptively controls the quantization steps .

  3. 实验室最近经过更新,可以上更高阶的课程了。

    The lab has recently been updated to allow for more advanced courses .

  4. 可以采取考试的方式来决定让哪些学生进入高阶班。

    Examinations may be used to choose which pupils are to move into the top streams .

  5. 那个老人下台阶时步履维艰。

    The old man had difficulty in moving down the stairs .

  6. 最高阶导数线性地出现的那种方程是准线性方程。

    A Quasilinear equation is one in which the highest-order derivative appears linearly .

  7. 一些著名的经济学家也认为,穷人现在更难爬上经济阶梯,因为阶与阶之间的间距更大了。

    A number of prominent economists have also argued that it 's harder for the poor to climb the economic ladder today because the rungs in that ladder have grown farther apart .

  8. 设A是n阶反对称符号模式。

    Let A be a n-order anti-symmetric sign pattern .

  9. 全阶预估状态观测器调节系统的CAD

    The CAD of Regulation System with Full-order Predicted State Observer

  10. 用遗传算法构造n阶幻方

    Constructing n-order Magic Square by Using Genetic Algorithm

  11. 分数阶系统H∞控制器设计

    H_ ∞ Controller Design for Fractional Order System

  12. 结果表明,一阶P型开闭环学习控制能够很好实现仿生腿对人工腿步态的跟踪。

    The result indicates that the first order P-type open-closed loop iterative learning control can implement gait tracking well .

  13. K波段阶跃恢复二极管高次倍频器

    K & Band Frequency Multiplier Using Step Recovery Diode

  14. 分析了2阶V图生成原理。

    The principle of generating two-order Voronoi diagram was studied .

  15. 抽样率转换的分数阶Fourier域分析

    Analysis of Sampling - Rate Conversion in the Fractional Fourier Domain

  16. 函数f~α(x)的各阶微商表示式及其应用

    Expression and Application of Function f ~ α( x )' s Arbitrary Order Derivative

  17. K步K阶线性多步公式集及几乎A稳定的线性多步公式

    The set of k-step order k linear multistep formulas and nearly A-stable linear multistep formulas

  18. 分数阶PID控制器及其数字实现

    Fractional Order PID Controller and Its Digital Implementation

  19. 其次探讨了满足k阶严格雪崩准则的布尔函数的谱特征;

    Secondly , spectral characterization of Boolean functions satisfying k order strict avalanche criterion is described ;

  20. 一阶流体随机Petri网:定义与分析

    First order Fluid Stochastic Petri net : definition and analysis

  21. 四阶传递函数算法用于斜视SAR成像

    Fourth-order Transform Function Algorithms for Squint SAR Imaging

  22. 一阶Markov模型产生相关瑞利衰落包络

    First Order Markov Model for Correlated Rayleigh Fading Envelopes

  23. 变阶式递推最小二乘法与AR模型在线辨识器

    Variable-order recursive least squares method and ar-models on-line identifier

  24. 关于谱及平稳随机过程的n阶导数通过线性动力学系统输出的自相关函数的谱表示

    Spectrum and Spectrum Indication of Output Correlation Function of the n-th Derivative of Stationary Stochastic Processes Passing Through Linear Dynamics System

  25. G/H的阶为素数,H为非阿贝尔单群且在G内无正规补子群。

    G / H is of prime order , H is the non-abelian simple group which without normal complement in G.

  26. 再根据阶跃响应特性来设计与计算PID调节器的最优参数值。

    From the step response characteristic , it can design and calculate the optimized parameters of PID controller .

  27. 用EXCEL解二阶常微分方程

    Solving Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations by Microsoft Excel

  28. 这种方法把n个状态的n阶滤波器压缩成用n/2个状态来描述,从而减少了设计过程中的内存需要量。

    Only n / 2 states are needed to describe n-state filters in the design , so that many storages can be saved .

  29. 研究分析了图像在分数阶Fourier域的能量分布,并给出了仿真实验结果。

    The energy distribution of the image at different fractional Fourier transform has analyzed and verified by simulations .

  30. 自同构群A(G)的阶为2p的群G的结构

    The Construction of Group G with Automorphism Group A ( G ) of Order 2p