
fánɡ dào bào jǐnɡ
  • burglar alarm
  1. 闭路电视监视系统和防盗报警系统设计

    The design of closed-circuit TV monitoring system and burglar alarm system

  2. 智能无线防盗报警系统就是这样的产品之一。

    Intelligent wireless burglar alarm system is one of such products .

  3. 基于CID监测技术的车辆防盗报警追踪系统

    An Anti-theft Alarm Tracking System Based on CID Monitoring Technique

  4. 阐述了一些多媒体报警系统的概念,以及利用多媒体技术与电视监视技术的防火、防盗报警及监视系统的设计,系统中主要器件可编程序控制器(PLC)的应用。

    This paper mainly describes the concept of multimedia technology . It makes a detailed discussion on design method of anti-fire and anti-burglary system by multimedia technology and TV monitoring , and how to use PLC .

  5. 互相利用DSP调和来协同工作,达到提高报警正确性的目的。最后对汽车防盗报警系统的软件部分进行了设计。

    We used DSP to work together to reconcile so that the system can achieve greater purpose of the correctness of alarm . Finally , the thesis designed the software of the automobile security alarm system .

  6. 238C防盗报警系统的改进

    Improvement of 238C Alarm System against Theft

  7. 车之宝YF-202N型双向汽车防盗报警系统(Ⅰ)

    Bidirectional Automobile Security Alarm System YF-202N (ⅰ)

  8. 经过多年来的发展,ZED产品主要产品涉及闭路监控系列、门禁控制系列、防盗报警系列、公共广播系列。

    After years of development , ZED products are mainly involved in a series of closed-circuit monitoring products , entrance guard controls , anti-theft alarm products and the public broadcasting .

  9. 放射源防盗报警手持机采用了MTK手机模块和单片机系统的结合,开发过程大大缩短,手持机稳定可靠,使用方便,有效降低了总体成本。

    This handset was a combination of MTK mobile phone module and MCU system , which can greatly reduce the time of the development process and effectively reducing the total cost . This handset was stable , reliable and easy to use .

  10. 超声多普勒防盗报警系统的抗干扰研究

    Research in Anti - interference of Ultrasonic Doppler Burglar Alarm System

  11. 基于多普勒效应的自动拨号防盗报警系统

    An Automatic Dialing Alarm System Design Based on the Doppler Effect

  12. 格林先生家装了防盗报警系统。

    Mr. Green has installed a burglar-alarm system in his home .

  13. 一种特殊的防盗报警探测器电路

    A Kind of Special Guarding Against Theft Warning Detector Circuit

  14. 单片机嵌入式以太网防盗报警系统

    Guard Against Theft Alert System of Embedded MCU over Ethernet

  15. 地面重要场所智能防盗报警系统的研究

    Research on Intelligence Anti-theft Alarm System on Ground Important Place

  16. 基于指纹识别的网络式汽车防盗报警系统设计

    Design of network automobile alarming system based on fingerprint identification

  17. 一种手提箱用防盗报警装置。

    The utility model relates to an anti-theft alarm device for suitcases .

  18. 一种远程智能防盗报警装置的研制

    A Developed Long-Distance Intelligence Guard Against Theft and Alarm System

  19. 基于语音识别的智能防盗报警系统设计

    Based on Speech Recognition Intelligence Security Alarm System Design

  20. 基于微控制器的智能楼宇防盗报警系统

    A MCU-Based Automatic Guard Against Theft and Alarm System of the Intelligentized Building

  21. 用单片微机8051设计的防盗报警系统

    A Thief-guarding System Designed by Single Chip Microcomputer 8051

  22. 介绍一种自动防盗报警系统。

    A automatic alarm system against theft is introduced .

  23. 新型家用防盗报警系统

    A New Family Alarm System for Guarding Against Theft

  24. 本系统只是模拟防盗报警,主要有两个大的模块。

    This system is a simulated burglarproof alarm , it has two main modules .

  25. 汽车防劫防盗报警监控区域网系统

    The Alarm Monitor System for Preventing Car Robbery

  26. 基于多信息融合技术的智能汽车防盗报警系统研究与设计

    Research and Design Intelligent Vehicle Anti-theft Alarm System Based on More Integration of Information Technology

  27. 报警显示器报警信息手机短信在无人值守地震监测点防盗报警中的应用

    Alarm display panel Applying short messages to the alarming device in an unmanned seismic station

  28. 实验结果表明系统能够完整的实现振动检测防盗报警功能。

    Experiments showed that the system can fully complete the vibration detecting and alert function .

  29. 区域防盗报警系统电子地图的生成和处理

    The Generating and Processing of Electronic Map of District Theft & preventing and Alarming System

  30. 一种温、湿度及静电测试仪实用防盗报警装置

    Electrostatic and humidity-temperature detecting alarm - device