
fáng huǒ
  • fireproof;fire prevention;fire safety
防火 [fáng huǒ]
  • [fire prevention;fireproof] 防止火灾

防火[fáng huǒ]
  1. 差分GPS技术及其在森林防火中的试验研究

    Differential GPS Technology and Experimentation in Forest Fire Prevention

  2. 基于GPS的森林防火实时监控系统关键技术研究

    Project of The Forest Fire Prevention Monitor and Control System Based on GPS

  3. 我们从防火安全门走了出去。

    We exited via a fire door .

  4. 他们采取了防火措施。

    They took precautions against fire .

  5. 一个小男孩从3楼防火梯上摔了下来。

    A small boy tumbled off a third floor fire escape

  6. 乘客没有受到任何防火保护,这让我觉得十分荒唐。

    I find it ludicrous that nothing has been done to protect passengers from fire

  7. 森林防火是你们的责任。

    Prevention of forest fires is up to you .

  8. 楼下的防火出口将会打开一分钟。

    The fire exit downstairs will be open for one minute .

  9. 虽然我的两个孩子在学校里都接受过防火安全训练,然而他们对警报却毫无反应。我很生气,怒气冲冲地在房间里到处找他们。

    Although both of my children had received fire-safety training at school , they did not respond to the alarm . Annoyed , I stormed through the house in search of them .

  10. 第二条消防工作贯彻预防为主、消防结合的方针,坚持专门机关与群众相结合的原则,实行防火安全责任制。

    Article 2 Fire control work shall follow the policy of devoting major efforts into prevention and combining fire prevention with fire fighting , and shall adhere to the principle of combining the efforts of both specialized organizations and the masses and carry out responsibility system on fire prevention and safety .

  11. 第四十二条违反本法的规定,擅自降低消防技术标准施工、使用防火性能不符合国家标准或者行业标准的建筑构件和建筑材料或者不合格的装修、装饰材料施工的,责令限期改正;

    Article 42 Those who , in violation of this law , arbitrarily lower technical standards on fire control in construction , us construction parts and materials not conforming the state standards or industrial standards or disqualified fitting and decoration materials during construction , shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;

  12. 基于web的森林防火专家系统的研究

    Research about Expert System of Forest Fire Prevention Based on web

  13. 运用GIS网络视频技术实现林区防火远程监控

    Applying GIS Internet Video Technology to Realize Remote Monitoring of Forest Region Fire Prevention

  14. 用GPS技术解决森林防火通信系统中同频干扰的研究

    Use GPS Technique for Solving the Problem of Shared Frequency Interference in Forest Fire-Alarm Communication System

  15. 以纳米TiO2为添加剂来提高钢结构防火涂料的各项性能。

    The performances of fireproofing-dope for steel structure were improved through adding the anatase titanium dioxide .

  16. 超高速率ns&亚ns脉冲光闸防火卷帘自动控制的几点改进措施

    ULTRA-HIGH SPEED NANOSECOND-SUBNANOSECOND PULSE SHUTTER teps in Ameliorating the Auto - control of Fire Roller Shutter

  17. 采用X射线衍射技术,对膨胀型防火涂料经过大板燃烧后所形成的炭质层的物相结构进行了系统研究。

    By X ray diffraction technology , phase structure of carbonaceous char being formed in the process of combustion of intumescent coating has been studied systematically .

  18. 甲基硅油改性APP后,一定程度上降低了钢板背温,提高了防火涂料的耐火性能,但对耐酸碱性无明显的影响。

    But modified APP with methylsilicone had less effect on the acid and alkali resistance of the fire retardant coatings .

  19. JN型船用防火门的设计与标准耐火试验

    Design of JN Type Marine Fireproof Door and Its Standard Fire Test

  20. Kohonen自组织神经网络在船舶防火安全分级上的应用

    Realization of Kohonen Neural Network on Safety Classification of Ships Fire Protection

  21. 在进行抗火设计时,要注意加强对角节点和H型柱翼缘与梁连接方向的边节点的防火保护。

    Consequently , in fire resistant design , fire protection on corner joints and exterior joints which are in the direction of the column flange connected to the beam should be strengthened .

  22. 将可膨胀石墨(EG)加入到APP/PER/MEL防火涂料中,得到EG改性涂料。

    Expandable graphite ( EG ) was added to APP / PER / MEL coatings to formulate an EG modified flame retardant coating .

  23. 本文的研究为今后RIA技术在森林防火GIS系统中的应用做了积极探索,具有一定的参考和示范作用。

    This study for future RIA technology in the application of GIS system of forest fire made active exploration , have the certain reference and exemplary role .

  24. 介绍了3S系统的概念、特点及其在森林防火中的应用意义、国内外3S技术研究及应用进展;

    The paper describes 3S system concept , character and application in forest fire control , and the progress of 3S technology research and application .

  25. 通过微型电炉实验、差热分析(DSC)和热失重分析(TG),研究了烷基磷酸酯胺盐的酯化率对超薄型钢结构防火涂料的影响。

    The effect of the esterification degree of amine salt of alkyl phosphate on the intumescent coating was studied through the small scale fire tests , TG and DSC method .

  26. 通过对防火涂料进行热重分析、差示量热扫描分析联合红外分析,对多聚磷酸铵(APP)-三聚氰胺(MEL)-季戊四醇(PER)阻燃防火性能有较深入的探讨。

    The research of anti-combustion properties was furthered on APP ( ammonium polyphosphate ), MEL ( melamine ) and PER ( pentaerythritol ) by thermogravimetric analysis , differential scanning calorimetry and infrared technique .

  27. 然而,与其他类型的LNG船相比,双燃料电力推进系统LNG船作为一种新型船舶,在防火、防爆、防撞等方面具有特殊的要求。

    However , compared with other types of LNG carrier the new dual fuel electric propulsion system LNG carrier comes up with special demand on fireproof , explosion-proof and anti-collision .

  28. 因此,研究高温后FRP筋力学性能及其与混凝土粘结性能对于FRP筋混凝土结构防火、抗火至关重要。

    Therefore , the study on tensile property of FRP bars and bond behavior between FRP bars and concrete after high temperature is important for the fire-protection of FRP bars reinforced concrete structure .

  29. 结合最近与国外工程公司合作实施的工程项目,对H级防火分隔和结构防火在海洋石油开发工程中应用的特点做了阐述,为今后海洋石油开发工程项目在被动防火方面的设计提供参考。

    Through the lately engineering projects cooperated with foreign companies , retrospection and conclusion have been made for class H fore protected division and structure fire protection , this can provide reference for the design of passive fire protection of offshore oil engineering projects .

  30. 简略介绍了PVDC聚合生产工艺,介绍了偏氯乙烯等主要单体的性质,指出了PVDC聚合生产中工艺方面和其它方面的防火防爆安全技术。

    Describe PVDC polymerization process and the character of main monomer . Put forward fire prevention and explosion-protection technology by process and others in PVDC polymerization production .