
  • 网络Problem Identification;Problem recognition
  1. 很强的问题识别和解决能力。

    Strong problem identification and solving ability ;

  2. 相关性分析表明:运用背景知识和问题识别这两种元认知策略与所调查的因素无关。

    Then the correlation analysis showed that using background knowledge and problem identification had no significant correlations with any factors investigated .

  3. 决策问题识别及其实现研究

    Research on Recognition and Realization of Decision Problem

  4. 而不精确的分析又将导致性能问题识别,分析和故障排除所用的数据也不精确。

    Inaccurate analysis leads to inaccurate data for performance issues identification , analysis , and troubleshooting .

  5. 按照关键问题识别→可行性研究→计划的逻辑顺序,对以下3个阶段进行了描述:(1)开展妇幼卫生扶贫资金项目的若干关键问题的提出;

    This process include three steps : ( 1 ) key problems definition for implementation of MCHPAF ;

  6. 结论应加强教师在艾滋病孤儿问题识别和有效应对上的能力。

    Conclusion Teachers ' skills of identification on AIDS orphan problems and coping strategies should be enhanced .

  7. 提出一种通过特征方程反问题识别子结构界面连接刚度参数的直接方法。

    In this article , a direct method which identifies the joining stiffness on substructure interfaces is proposed by the inversion of characteristic equation .

  8. 基于位移原形观测资料,采用修正的高斯-牛顿算法求解最小二乘问题识别混凝土和岩石介质的弹性模量。

    Based upon the measured displacement in situ , the algorithm of identifying material parameter is proposed for rock and concrete with modified Gauss-Newton method .

  9. 管理的角色是使团队了解关于团队计划、项目状态和轨道,以及问题识别和解决的及时切准确的信息。

    The role of management is to enable teams through timely and accurate information on team initiatives , project status and trajectory , and issue identification and resolution .

  10. 发现考虑横梁挠曲的层模型能较好的模拟空框架的动力性能,然后以此模型为基准编制程序,通过灵敏度分析进行反问题识别,得到了不同楼层梁和柱的弯曲刚度。

    Based on this model , a program was compiled , and the flexible stiffness of each floor 's columns and beams were identified by the sensitivity analysis .

  11. 被五位参加者频繁提到的策略有:运用背景知识、问题识别、注意主题句、注意连接性词汇、运用预测和上下文线索、翻译。

    The predominant strategies frequently mentioned by the five participants were using background knowledge , problem identification , paying attention to topic sentences , use of prediction and contextual clues , paying attention to connectives , and translation .

  12. 最后,将该方法应用到工程实际与结构健康监测的BENCHMARK问题的识别中,验证了该方法的有效性。

    At last , the effect of identifying damages was proofed-test through engineering applications and benchmark problems .

  13. ITCAMforSOA基础架构管理软件提供的集成管理工具能够加速和简化SOA问题的识别和解决。

    The ITCAM for SOA infrastructure management software offers integrated management tools that speed and simplify identification and resolution of SOA problems .

  14. 而CRM关注的正是企业最关心的问题:识别、保持和提升最佳客户的利润率。

    And what CRM pay close attention to is what businesses are interested in : distinguishing , keeping and raising the profit rate of the best customers .

  15. 最后,失败XPathselect表达式的常见问题被识别为XML文档中默认名称空间的结果,并给出了几个可能的解决方案。

    Finally , the common problem of failing XPath select expressions was identified as the result of a default namespace in the XML document , and several possible solutions were given .

  16. 在多传感器特征信息融合算法中,D-S理论得到了广泛应用,但该理论在处理多特征冲突问题时识别效果不十分理想。

    For data fusion algorithms of multi-sensors , the D-S rule is widely used extensively . But it can not resolve the problem of feature collision ideally .

  17. 在用BP神经网络进行试井问题模式识别的过程中,若将现场试井数据简单地以点对的方式送入BP神经网络进行识别,则与训练模式无法对应;

    During the process of well testing model identification ( WTMI ) by using Backward Propagation Neural Network ( BPNN ), most data in field tests surely cannot match those gotten from type curves if co ordinates are fed .

  18. 为了减小这些问题对识别系统的影响,本文同时提出了一种GA-HMM训练模型,通过在HMM训练过程中引入遗传算法来寻找全局最优,改善了HMM训练效果,从而提高了系统的识别性能。

    In order to alleviate the influence to the recognition system , a hybrid GA-HMM training model is also presented , which introduce the genetic algorithm into the HMM training to search for global optima , the training performance is greatly improve by this model .

  19. 热传导问题参数识别的卷积方法

    Method of Convolution for the Parameter Identification Problem of the Parabolic Equation

  20. 我国上市公司会计舞弊问题及识别研究

    Questions and Research on Detection for Accounting Fraud of China 's Listed Company

  21. 负责对现场运行、设备及安全问题进行识别、处理和上报。

    Distinguish , handle and report on-site operation , equipment and safety problems .

  22. 第一部分是问题的识别。

    The first part is the question recognition .

  23. 支持向量机用于两类问题的识别研究。

    Support vector machine ( SVM ) is applied to recognize two separable classes .

  24. 一类典型分歧问题的识别

    Recognition of a Sort of Typical Bifurcation Problems

  25. 经验与借鉴:金融危机背景下美国问题银行识别与处理机制

    Experience and Reference : Identification of US Problematic Banks and its Handling Mechanism against the Backdrop of Financial Crisis

  26. 通过同成因地质界面的识别与追踪,提出了碳酸盐岩“同期异相”地层对比问题的识别方法和依据。

    Through identification and tracing of isogenesis geologic boundaries , an approach for identifying contemporaneous carbonate rocks of different facies .

  27. 另一个反模式是在进行整体测试前完成所有单元测试,援引同样是延迟了主要问题的识别。

    Another anti-pattern is to complete all unit testing before doing integration testing , again delaying identification of major issues .

  28. 属性:属性用来对问题加以识别和分类,方便你根据这些属性来过滤一些信息。

    Attributes : Attributes are used to categorize and classify issues and to allow you to filter based on these attributes .

  29. 面对时间压力和信息的不确定,决策问题的识别是首要解决的问题。

    The face of time pressures and uncertainty of information , the identification of the decision-making problems , issue the most .

  30. 一旦问题被识别出来,就需要开发部门付出艰辛的工作,不仅增加了项目成本而且还会影响到发布日程。

    And when problems are identified , they require significant rework by the development organization , increasing project costs and impacting delivery schedules .