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  • 网络feather
  1. 这只小鸡很快就要长羽毛了。

    The chick will soon feather out .

  2. 她脖子上围着一条粉色长羽毛围巾。

    She wore a large pink boa around her neck .

  3. 处在繁殖季节一只鹭的长羽毛。

    The long plumes of a heron in the breeding season .

  4. 羽区鸟皮肤上长羽毛的部位。

    An area on the skin of a bird from which feathers grow .

  5. 那些小鸟正在长羽毛。

    The nestlings are feathering out .

  6. 那些刚长羽毛的小鸟初次飞行的样子令人叹为观止。

    The fledglings were amazing to watch as they tried to fly for the first time .

  7. 饰物有孔雀尾羽或其他长羽毛、绢花或者面纱、蝴蝶结或卷发。

    Embellishments included peacock or spiky feathers , silk flowers or sheer veils , bows or curls .

  8. 有羽毛的,长羽毛的有羽毛的或羽毛状生长物的;有羽毛的他打起羽毛球来真是得心应手。

    Having feathers or featherlike growths ; feathered . He 's in his element when playing badminton .

  9. 蔽覆在鸟的翅膀或尾巴上长羽毛基部的小羽毛。

    One of the small feathers covering the bases of the longer feathers of a bird 's wings or tail .

  10. 结果发现,长羽毛的是我外甥,我得带他去苏黎世找位专家看看。

    The thing with feathers has turned out to be my nephew . I must take him to a specialist in Zurich .

  11. “羽毛掸:由长羽毛紧捆在棍端而制成的掸子,用于清扫细微物体.”

    " feather duster : a brush made of a bundle of long feathers fastened to the end of a stick , used for dusting delicate objects . "

  12. 一个女子乐队头戴拖着红色长羽毛的帽子,站在一辆龙形彩车的后面,敲着从宝塔上悬挂下来的锣鼓。

    An all-female band wearing caps drooping long red feathers stood on the back of a dragon float . The women hammered kettledrums and struck a gong suspended from a pagoda .

  13. 这一成果为鸟喙的进化史提供了新解释。众所周知,鸟类是由恐龙进化而来的。它们逐渐地长出羽毛并飞向天空。

    It 's well known that birds evolved from dinosaurs1 - gradually growing feathers and taking to the air .

  14. 小鹰在一个月后长出羽毛。

    The babies grow feathers when they 're one month old .

  15. 第四天,他们的血羽上已经长出羽毛尖。

    Next day the blood-quills had sprouted the tips of feathers .

  16. (指鸟)还没有长好羽毛。

    ( of birds ) not yet having developed feathers .

  17. 长有羽毛、覆盖着羽毛或者有大量的羽毛。

    Having or covered with or abounding in plumes .

  18. “长着羽毛?就像鸟一样?”同学们都不相信自己的耳朵。

    " With feathers ? Like birds ?" the students could not believe their ears .

  19. 来个燕式跳(直体向前跳),希望你在撞击地面前长出羽毛来。

    Do a Swan Dive and hope you grow feathers before you hit the bottom .

  20. 蝌蚪长有羽毛似的外鳃。

    The tadpoles have feathery external gills .

  21. 它们用长满羽毛的手臂来飞行,并用自己的爪子来捕猎。

    They can take flight on their feathered arms , harrying their prey with their claws .

  22. 狄根森说到,我们的希望就寄托在这些长着羽毛的家伙身上,即便是一只已被感染的鸟。

    As Dickenson said , hope is the thing with feathers . Even if it 's infected .

  23. 尤其是当你知道一些恐龙实际上长有羽毛,你就会觉得它们不像恐龙了。

    I think they too little like dinosaurs especially when you know that some dinosaurs were actually feathered .

  24. 这具化石保存有异常完好的骨骼结构,因此可以将其明确地归入到恐龙家族中长有羽毛的一类。

    The fossil 's exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree .

  25. 在我的简短的讲话之后,你们就可以去抚摸那些长满羽毛的朋友了。

    And after I make my brief remarks , you will be welcome to come up and pet our feathered friends .

  26. 那里满是古代玛雅人神明的图像,形似长着羽毛的大毒蛇、缩着的爬虫还有许多人的形象。

    There were images of the ancient Mayans gods in the form of feathered serpents , crouching reptiles and dozens of human figures .

  27. 我看到了好些华丽的鸟飞在空中,它们身上很长的羽毛使它们一定要逆凤才能飞行。

    There I saw some magnificent birds soaring aloft , the arrangement of their long feathers causing them to head into the wind .

  28. 戴在帽子上的长的羽毛或一件羽毛状的珠宝。

    A long plume ( especially one of egret feathers ) worn on a hat or a piece of jewelry in the shape of a plume .

  29. 但最近,一个完好无损的新化石(目前共发现了11个)显示,它的腿上都长有羽毛。

    But recently , a surprisingly intact new fossil ( a total of 11 have been found so far ) revealed plumes of feathers running down its legs .

  30. 小盗龙,生活在距今六千六百多万年前的白垩纪,是现今中国境内发现的众多体型娇小、长有羽毛的恐龙之一。

    Microraptor is one of many small , feathered dinosaurs found in what is now China that were alive during the Cretaceous period more than 66m years ago .