
  1. 长毛兔的毛特别柔软,因而十分有名,深受人们喜爱。Chu教授用剪刀给兔子剃毛,一次也没伤到她这些毛茸茸的朋友们。

    Long famed and desired for their incredibly soft fur or wool , Chu uses scissors to shear her rabbits , never once harming her fluffy friends .

  2. 长毛兔幼兔用颗粒料的研究报告

    A report on studying of pellet feed for young Angora rabbit

  3. 德系长毛兔颗粒饲料保鲜储藏研究

    Studies on Keeping-freshness Storage of Pellet Feed for German Angora Rabbits

  4. 沂蒙巨型长毛兔品系选育研究

    Studies on Line Breeding of Yimeng Coarse - wool Angora Rabbits

  5. 美系獭兔和苏Ⅰ系粗毛型长毛兔的遗传多样性分析

    Analysis of Genetic Diversity of American Rex and Su-line Angora Rabbit

  6. 热应激对长毛兔精液质量的影响

    Effect of heat stress on semen production in Angora rabbits

  7. 953巨型长毛兔生产繁殖性能的研究

    Studies on the Reproductive Performances of 953 Giant Wool Rabbit

  8. 粗毛型长毛兔及其亲本染色体研究

    Studies on Chromosome Karyotype of Bristly - wool Rabbit and Its parents

  9. 泰山粗毛型长毛兔高产品系选育研究

    Studies on Breeding of Taishan Coarse Wool Rabbit High-yield Strain

  10. 通用型长毛兔颗粒料的研制及饲喂效果

    Preparing Current Pelletized Feed for Angora Rabbit and It 's Feeding Effect

  11. 粗毛型长毛兔选育提高及配套技术的研究

    Study on selection improvement and match techniques of coarse wool type rabbits

  12. 长毛兔产毛量与兔毛物理性状的通径分析

    Path Analysis on Wool Physics Traits and Wool Yield of Angora Rabbits

  13. 鲁西茌平长毛兔生长发育及产毛量研究

    Studies on Growth Development and Wool Yield of Luxi Chiping Angora Rabbit

  14. 皖Ⅲ系长毛兔系统选育中繁殖性能和生长发育特性的研究

    Studies on characters of reproduction and growth of Wan ⅲ Angora Rabbit

  15. 长毛兔选育测定模式研究

    Study on Breeding and Testing Model of Angora Rabbits

  16. 不同血统含量对粗毛型长毛兔主要生产性能的影响和探讨

    Effect of various blood line on main production performance of Bristle wool Rabbits

  17. 953高产长毛兔新品系培育研究

    Studies on Breeding of new Line of 953 Longwool Rabbit with High Yield

  18. 长毛兔胎儿皮肤和毛囊发生发育的观察

    Observations on Genesis of Skin and Folliculus Pili in Fetus of Haired Rabbit

  19. 粗毛型长毛兔繁殖性能研究

    Studies on the Reproductivity of Coarse Wool Angora Rabbits

  20. 长毛兔微卫星标记初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of Microsatellite Markers in Angora Rabbit

  21. 长毛兔采毛方式的研究

    Studies on Wool Harvest Ways of Angora Rabbits

  22. 长毛兔胚胎冷冻保存和移植

    A research on the freezing storage and transfer of the embryo in Angora rabbit

  23. 不同体况的长毛兔幼兔对营养需要的研究

    A study of the nutrient requirements of young Angora rabbits with different body condition

  24. 德系长毛兔年产毛量早期估计的初探

    The study of yearly wool output estimation in early stage on Germany Angora rabbit

  25. 长毛兔的行为观察

    The observation on the behavior of wool rabbit

  26. 长毛兔集中强迫配种受胎率的研究

    A study on conception rate of Angora rabbits as a result of concentrating forced copulation

  27. 皖Ⅲ系长毛兔兔毛分析研究

    The Study on the Wool Analysis in the New Strain of Wan ⅲ Angora Rabbit

  28. 不同蛋氨酸水平对长毛兔产毛性能和血液生化指标的影响

    Effect of Different Methionine Levels on Production Performance and Blood Serum Traits of Wool Rabbit

  29. 微卫星标记与皖系长毛兔产毛量相关性的研究

    Study on the relationship between microsatellite markers and wool yield in Wan line Angora rabbits

  30. 利用微卫星标记分析长毛兔遗传多态性及其与产毛量相关性

    Analysis Genetic Polymorphism of Angora Rabbit and Relationship between Microsatellite and Wool Yield Using Microsatellite Markers