
  1. 通用磨坊大中华区总裁朱玺(GaryChu)表示,该公司去年速冻饺子销售额增长率为两位数,达到2亿美元。

    Gary Chu , head of General Mills ' China business , said dumpling sales were growing at double-digit rates annually and topped $ 200m last year .

  2. 相比之下,沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)的同店销售额增长率达到了2.6%,况且沃尔玛的规模还要比史泰博大出10倍多。

    Compare that with same-store sales growth of 2.6 % for Wal-Mart ( WMT ) stores on a base that is more than ten times the size of staples .

  3. 新秀丽亚洲区总裁拉梅什?塔因瓦拉(RameshTainwala)表示,今年销售额增长率将下滑至少10个百分点,由去年的逾20%降至12%至15%之间。

    Ramesh Tainwala , Samsonite 's Asia head , says sales are expected to decline at least 10 percentage points from a growth rate of more than 20 per cent last year to 12-15 per cent this year .

  4. 据咨询公司eMarketer统计,在线服饰和配件的销售额增长率要远远高于其它电子商务产品类别,有望在2012年达到409亿美元,高于2011年的409亿美元。

    Web sales of apparel and accessories , in particular , are growing far faster than any other e-commerce product category and are expected to reach $ 40.9 billion in 2012 , up from $ 40.9 billion in 2011 , according to emarketer .

  5. 销售额增长率平均达到15%。

    Sale increase has averaged out at 15 % .

  6. 这一总数还意味着公司的销售额增长率是28%,而不是公司报称的22%。

    And this total would be up 28 % rather than the reported growth of 22 % for the company .

  7. 中国房地产业发展的峰谷应以销售额增长率来评价。

    The peak & valley of Chinese real estate industry development should be appraised by the growth rate of sales volume .

  8. 我在那里工作了三年。那时我们的销售额增长率为每年20%。

    I stayed there for three years , and during that period our sales increased by an average of20 % per year .

  9. 去年沃尔玛在美国的总销售额增长率是1.6%,而同店销售额实际上是有所下降的。

    Last year , Wal-Mart 's overall US revenue growth , including online sales , was 1.6 % with same store sales actually declining slightly .

  10. 销售额增长率低于分析师的预测,后者此前预测上半年同店销售额增幅超过5%。

    The sales growth missed analysts " forecasts , which was for a more than 5 per cent rise in like-for-like sales in the first half .

  11. 但这些产品的销售额增长率已经放缓至每年5%至6%,而且它们已经打入700座城市,经销范围已经十分广泛。

    But their sales growth has slowed to 5-6 per cent a year and , with a presence in 700 cities , they are already widely distributed .

  12. 今年,思科在该市场的销售额增长率下降至7%,而其竞争对手却在降低价格,仅将利润率保持在40%或50%,甚至更低。

    In the current year , sales growth has fallen to about 7 % , and competitors are cutting prices , accepting margins of just 40 or 50 % , or even less .

  13. 研究表明:对大连市房地产价格影响大的需求因素是商品住宅销售额增长率、城市化比率和人均可支配收入增长率;供给因素是商品住宅投资额和建安成本;宏观因素是通货膨胀率。

    Secondly , research shows that the demand factors influenced the prices most include commodity housing sales growth rate , urbanization rate and disposable income growth . The supply factors include commercial residential investment and the fabrication cost . Macro factors are inflation rate .

  14. 韩国家族企业CJ集团旗下的传媒公司CJE&M,海外销售额年增长率达到了20%以上。

    CJE & M , the media unit of the family-run CJ conglomerate , is notching up overseas sales growth of more than 20 per cent a year .

  15. 在2008年金融危机爆发前的10年里,其销售额年增长率通常超过30%。

    In the decade leading up to the financial crisis in 2008 , sales usually grew more than 30 per cent a year .

  16. 近年其销售额的复合增长率达150%。

    Its sales have been rising at a compound 150 per cent .

  17. 在截至2013年的8年里,该公司销售额的年均增长率仅为0.2%,而全球行业平均增速高于4%。

    Sales grew by an average of just 0.2 per cent annually in the eight years to 2013 , compared with more than 4 per cent for the sector globally .

  18. 液晶显示器(LCD)的市场销售额正以年增长率30%的速度发展,将成为电子工业的重大产业部门。

    The annual growth rate of market share for Liguid Crystal Display ( LCD ) is up to 30 percent . LCD Will become one of the most important branches of electronic industry .

  19. canaccordgenuity分析师艾迪哈格里夫斯(eddyhargreaves)估计,上述增长目标表明,雀巢有机销售额的年复合增长率可能要达到11%。

    The growth targets imply a potential compound annual growth rate in organic sales of 11 per cent , calculates eddy Hargreaves , analyst at canaccordgenuity .

  20. 新加坡大宗商品集团奥兰(olam)表示,除去特殊收益,由于销售额的增长和利润率的提升,一季度净利润上涨了48%。

    OLAM , the Singapore - based Commodities Group , said net profit for the quarter rose by 48 per cent , excluding exceptional gains , on higher sales and margins .

  21. 没错,沃尔玛墨西哥业务的增速超过美国业务,其销售额10年平均增长率达到18%,比在美国的那些大型超级市场高出一倍多。

    Yes , the Mexican operation is growing faster than the US one – its 10-year average sales growth is 18 per cent , more than twice the rate of the US supercenters .

  22. 过去10年中,彩票销售额的年均复合增长率为37%,在去年达到105亿美元。国际企业正在争相出售技术或担任分销商,其回报通常是从销售额中分得一部分。

    With lottery sales rising at a compound annual growth rate of 37 per cent over the past decade and reaching $ 10.5bn last year , international companies are competing for contracts to sell their technology or act as distributors , usually in exchange for a cut of sales .