
xiāo zhàng
  • write off;cancel (remove) from an account;cancel from an account;cross off an account;remove from an account
销账 [xiāo zhàng]
  • [write off;cancel (remove) from an account] 从账上勾销

销账[xiāo zhàng]
  1. 负责日常医疗和保险援助业务相关的账务处理,及时和客户对账,销账。

    In charge of daily medical and travel assistance business related booking and payments reconciliation .

  2. 一些债务负担过于沉重的借款人去年曾获准与银行重新商谈债务安排,但随着他们再次无力偿还贷款,信用卡和现金卡贷款的销账率正处于令人担心的高位。

    Write-off ratios for credit card and cash card loans are at worryingly high levels as some of the overstretched borrowers who were allowed to renegotiate their debt last year are again defaulting .

  3. 各地市计费账务中心主要承担着本地市计费数据、代收数据的计费账务处理并转收费系统销账处理的任务。

    The regional center of the accounting nearly manages the accounting data in its own area , the financial dealing of the substitute data and the task for the cancellation management in the charge system .

  4. 她表示,美国政府决定勾销哥斯达黎加向其借贷的两千六百万美元债务,这是迄今为止美国执行的金额最大的一笔以债务转换自然资源的销账决议。

    She says the American government 's decision to write off twenty six million dollars in debt owed by Costa Rica will be the biggest debt for nature swap the U.S has implemented so far .

  5. 此外,在美国的千禧一代通过Venmo这款应用转账之前,中国的老老少少已经在使用基于智能手机的数字钱包投资、销账、支付账单、从商店里买东西。

    Before Venmo became the app for millennials to transfer money in the United States , both young and old in China were investing , reimbursing each other , paying bills , and buying products from stores with smartphone-based digital wallets .