
  • 网络Leads;sales lead
  1. 这意味着只需要几秒钟的时间,销售线索就可以自动发送到你的CRM系统。

    This means that within seconds , web leads will automatically be sent to your CRM .

  2. 他们是否有可以产生高质量销售线索的特定营销方案。

    Are there particular marketing programs they believed delivered the best leads ?

  3. 在数字时代,销售线索很快会失效。

    In the digital age , leads grow old quickly .

  4. 从事电子商务的人员经常面临2个主要问题:如何将网页访问者转换成您的销售线索?

    People working with EC often face two key problems : How to get clues-to-sale from Web - visiter ?

  5. 是否销售线索产生之后,你就可以马上得到,以便及时跟进。

    Are they available to you as soon as they are generated , so you can follow-up in a timely fashion ?

  6. 他们可以使用它发现目标组织中的关键人物,从而产生销售线索。

    They can use it to generate sales leads , by finding out who the key players are within target organizations .

  7. 让潜在客户注册的方法,将产生高质量的销售线索,但前提是您必须提供有用的数据。

    Asking prospects to register can help you generate quality leads & but only if you are offering the right stuff .

  8. 这些网站多数将注册的经销商提供的销售线索展示在网页上,从中赚取小额报酬。

    Most such sites charge dealers a small fee for passing on sales leads from shoppers who have submitted their details .

  9. 那么,要想获得实在的销售线索,而不仅仅是空虚的投放次数,直销人员究竟应该怎样做呢?

    So what does a direct marketer have to do to get a hard sales lead instead of a soft impression ?

  10. 大量参展者的展品也为获得销售线索和竞争对手的情报提供更好的机会。

    A trade fair with a large number of exhibitors also offers a better opportunity to obtain sales leads and competitor intelligence .

  11. 将他们转化为高质量销售线索的最好方法,是提供与他们需要完成的任务或工作相关的信息。

    The best way to turn them into quality leads is to offer useful information relevant to the task they are trying to complete or the job they do .

  12. 邮件服务器被所有这些假请求所包围,无法处理真正的电子邮件,而其中一些邮件可能是销售线索或支持请求。

    While the mail server is bogged down with all the spurious requests , it can 't handle real e-mails , some of which may be sales leads or support requests .

  13. 你可以从数据中找到问题的答案,例如每得到一个高质量的销售线索花费是多少,或者达成了你的几个目标,比如在新市场建立关系。

    The answer to this question may be found in data , such as cost per qualified lead , or the answer could be in terms of meeting your objective , such as establishing relationships in new markets .

  14. 如果你要依靠他们辨别销售线索的来源,或者为营销提供其他数据,尽早地,经常地融入到销售团队的队伍中,他们会更愿意帮助你。

    Get input from your sales team early and often , and if you rely on them to help identify lead sources or provide other data for marketing , they will be more apt to help you out .

  15. 一个良好的导航结构应该是无缝的,将使您网站的访问者停留的时间更长,这意味着潜在的更多的读者,订阅者,销售或线索-这些都是您的首要目标。

    A good navigation structure should be seamless and will keep visitors on your site longer , which means potentially more readers , subscribers , sales or leads & whichever is your primary objective .

  16. 我们估计大部分(如果不是全部的话)销售流程都可归入数个类别中,如管理销售线索与机会、设计解决方案步骤、交付解决方案以及交付服务等。

    Presumably , most , if not all , the sales processes will fall into just a few categories such as manage leads and opportunities , design solution steps , deliver the solutions , and deliver the services .

  17. 负责销售渠道的开发及维护,执行公司销售政策,追踪销售线索,推广产品,签订销售订单;

    Responsible for the exploitation and maintenance of sales channel , implement the company 's sales policy , pursue sales needs , promote products , concluded orders ;