
xiāo shòu wēi jī
  • sales crisis
  1. 食物供给无法达到现在的要求,这意味着我们正面临一场食物生产和销售的危机。

    The food supply will not increase nearly enoueh to match this , which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food .

  2. 对我国分时度假销售市场诚信危机的分析

    Analysis of Honesty Crisis in Sales Market for Going-on-Holiday-in-Different-Times in China

  3. 产量和销售还没有回到危机前的水平,不过,戴比尔斯动用了手中的其它工具供应和价格以较2009年平均高出27%的价格销售出了更多钻石。

    Production and sales are not back at pre-crisis levels yet . However , De Beers pulled the other levers at its disposal – supply and price – selling more carats at prices on average 27 per cent higher than in 2009 .