
  • 网络retail banking;Retail banking business
  1. 首先,本文对银行零售业务进行了概述,在讨论了银行零售业务的内涵和基本特征之后,文章介绍了银行零售业务的发展概况和发展趋势。

    First , the disquisition summarizes the retail banking business . After discussing the concept and the basic characteristic of retail banking business , the article introduced the development general situation and developing trend of retail banking business .

  2. 银行零售业务的竞争已进入白热化阶段。

    Competition in the retail banking business has been heating up .

  3. 基于K-means算法的中国商业银行零售业务顾客行为细分策略

    Segmentation Strategy on Customer Behavior of Commercial Bank Retail Business in China Based on K-means Arithmetic

  4. 分析了中国银行零售业务只有成功应用CRM,从客户需求出发,不断维护和拓展客户群,提高银行的运作效率,才能为银行带来最大化的利润空间。

    We realize that we must apply successfully the retail CRM in Bank of China , proceed from the requirements of the client , constantly develop clients , improve the efficiency of the bank . Only like this , it will bring the biggest profits space for the bank .

  5. 发达国家商业银行零售业务的发展状况

    Development status of retail business of developed countries ' commercial banks

  6. 第三章是分析中国商业银行零售业务发展的现状和存在的问题。

    The third chapter is nowadays Chinese retail banking situation and problems .

  7. 单笔金额小于一定限度。由于银行零售业务这样的特征,适宜采用新的方法对其进行信用分析,即利用信用风险模型。

    Characteristic of retail credit need new technique in analysis of credit .

  8. 财富管理:商业银行零售业务发展的战略选择

    Wealth Management : A Strategic Option of Retail Banking Development

  9. 德国商业银行零售业务重新崛起

    Retail Business for Commercial Banks in Germany : Another Spring

  10. 中国商业银行零售业务问题剖析

    Analysis on the Problems of Retail Business in China 's Commercial Banks

  11. 完善商业银行零售业务经营管理架构;

    Perfecting operation and management framework of commercial bank 's retail selling business ;

  12. 因此,研究A银行零售业务发展势在必行。

    Therefore , to study the development of A Bank retail business imperative .

  13. 略论商业银行零售业务的团队建设

    Teamwork Construction of Retailing Business of Bank

  14. 第二部分主要概述了商业银行零售业务的涵义,商业银行零售业务的类别以及零售业务区别于其他业务的特点。

    The second part classified the conception , categories and characteristics of commercial banks ' retail operation .

  15. 我国居民生活水平的提高和观念的转变,使得对银行零售业务的需求不断扩大。

    The improvement of living standards in China and conceptual changes expand the demand on retail banking business .

  16. 论文的研究对平安银行零售业务的营销渠道建设具有一定的参考价值。

    This research has a certain reference value for the construction marketing channel of retail business in Ping an Bank .

  17. 第四章对我国商业银行零售业务的发展现状及问题进行阐述。

    In chapter 4 , the developing status of retail business of commercial banks in China and the problems are described .

  18. 在阐述了银行零售业务的内涵和基本特征之后,文章介绍了银行零售业务的发展概况。

    After discussing the connotation and basic characteristics of retail banking business , the paper introduces the general development situation of it .

  19. 第二章是概念介绍,主要介绍商业银行零售业务的含义、内容及特点,并指出了发展零售业务的重要性。

    The paper begins with introductory Chapter 2 provides an overview of the meaning , content and characteristics of retail business of commercial banks .

  20. 在这种前提下,银行零售业务服务的理念已从银行金融产品和服务的提供者转变成为目标客户群提供金融咨询与服务。

    The retail services has been transited from traditional financial products and services provider to professional institutions aiming at delivering holistic financial solution to targeted clients .

  21. 第三,运用对比分析的方法,剖析中外商业银行零售业务经营模式在特征上的差异,并总结和提炼了对我国商业银行零售业务经营模式转型的启示。

    Third , it analyzed the difference between domestic and foreign commercial banks with comparative method , and refined the trend of business model transformation for commercial banks .

  22. 本文是对我国商业银行零售业务中存在的风险及风险管理问题进行研究,并针对存在的问题提出解决办法和对策。

    On the study of the risks and risk control problem existing in the retail services of the commercial banks in China , this thesis puts forward some countermeasures .

  23. 本文针对银行零售业务实务性很强的特点,以中国建设银行网点转型为例,突出了实证研究与理论分析相结合的特点。

    The paper takes network transformation of CCB for example and highlights the characteristics of empirical research and theoretical analysis in view of high practicality of retail banking business .

  24. 与此同时,国内中产阶级的迅速兴起又给商业银行零售业务的发展提供了巨大的市场需求。

    At the same time , the rapid rise of the domestic middle class provides a huge market demand to the development of the retail business of commercial banks .

  25. 因此,实现商业银行零售业务运作体系的有效性、系统性、协调性、适应性,是零售业务经营模式转型必须面对和着力解决的问题。

    Therefore , to achieve the effectiveness , coordination and flexibility of the system has become a problem to be faced and solved by the retail business of commercial banks .

  26. 目前国内商业银行零售业务的开展,普遍存在缺乏明确的市场定位、客户细分、服务和产品同质化等问题。

    The developing of domestic commercial banks ' retail services has all short of explicit market positioning , customer segmentation , and has the problems of homogeneity of services and products .

  27. 随后,结合银行零售业务的特点,详细界定了银行零售业务的顾客范畴,阐述了银行顾客体验的内涵和影响因素。

    Then , combined with the characteristics of retail banking business , this paper defines the customers of bank retail , the connotation of bank retail customer experience and influencing factor .

  28. 本文首先对国内外互联网络、网络经济、商业银行零售业务营销的背景进行了概述和分析,并在商业银行学基础上根据金融中介理论的内涵对商业银行及其零售业务的概念进行了界定。

    Secondly , based on the Commercial bank theory , the article defines the concept of commercial banking and retail business in accordance with the connotation of the theory of financial intermediation .

  29. 根据分析结果,进行市场细分和市场定位,并提出了业务发展策略及保障措施,希望能给银行零售业务的蓬勃发展提供借鉴和参考。

    According to the analysis , market segmentation and market positioning and business development strategy and proposed security measures , hoping to give the rapid development of retail banking to provide reference .

  30. 我国商业银行零售业务发展的策略选择应是:从银行长远发展的战略高度,重视零售业务的发展;

    In making the strategy choice for the development of China 's retail selling business , attention should be given to the development of retail selling business to ensure the long-range development of commercial banks ;