
  1. 积极推行公务卡制度提高预算资金使用率公务员制度暂行条例

    Promote the civil servant card system and improve the utilization ratio of budget fund

  2. 结论1、对全球基金结核项目的经费执行进行评价时,宜采用累计资金使用率,而不是当期资金使用率。

    Accumulative expenditure rate should be used in evaluating the financial performance of program , instead of expenditure rate in current report period . 2 .

  3. 2005年全年资金使用率为60.24%,2006年前3个季度资金使用率为35.20%,资金使用率偏低。

    The utilized rate of the fund in 2005 was 60.24 % and 35.20 % in the first three quarters of 2006 , lower than expected .

  4. 微观上有提高公司市值,优化公司治理结构,提高资金使用率等积极作用。

    In the microcosmic aspect , the development of enterprise_ bonds ' market helps heighten company 's value , optimizing administering structure , enhancing the efficiency of capital .

  5. 但企业集团财务控制机制与制度建设滞后、预算管理形同虚设、监督考核不完善、资金使用率低下等问题也随之出现。

    But problems such as laged behind business group financial control mechanism and system construction , ineffective budget management , inadequate supervision and evaluation and low capital utilization rate came out .

  6. 结论:应扩大基金的来源渠道、改善基金的筹集方式、提高筹资水平和保障水平、提高资金使用率及加强对定点医疗机构的监管。

    Conclusion : Measures should be taken in order to enlarge the sources of the Fund , improve the form of collection , increase the ability of financing and assurance , increase the utilized rate , and enhance supervision and management of the designated medical institutions .

  7. 要加快我国港站建设,核心就是投融资问题,即如何调动多方投资主体积极性、拓宽融资渠道、规范融资安排、提高资金使用率。

    If we want to accelerate the ports and stations construction , the key factor is investment and financing system reform , which is about how to mobilize the positivity of investment main body , broaden the financing channel , standardize the financing arrangement and enhance the capital using efficiency .

  8. 投资资金交付使用率

    Use of invested funds

  9. 但由于投入结构不合理、管理体制不完善等诸多原因,财政农业投入资金的使用率很低,且投入效益也很小。

    But because of the irrational investment structure and imperfect management system and other factors , the rate of utilization of fiscal investment funds is very low , also the benefit of fiscal investment is not high .

  10. 目前资金短缺和资金使用率低成为制约我国高速公路发展的瓶颈。

    The current shortage of funds and low efficiency use of funds restrict the development of China 's freeway .

  11. 部门预算编制和专项调查是国家财政部根据预算管理与改革的需要,为规范资金管理,提高资金使用率,而采取的科学管理方法。

    In order to standardize capital management and raise its utilization rate , Chinese Ministry of Finance adopts the following scientific management methods : department budget compilation and special survey according to the requirements of budget management and reform .