
  • 网络Money Damages;Damages;Financial compensation
  1. 诉状是对被告进行指控和寻求救济的陈述,这种救济一般是指金钱赔偿救济。

    This complaint or pleading is a statement of the charge against the defendant and the remedy sought , typically money damages .

  2. 看起来光是要求Psystar提供金钱赔偿已经满足不了苹果的复仇欲望,他们在动议中称,除非法院下令Psystar中止经营有关业务项目,否则苹果的商标权将继续遭到对方的侵犯。

    Financial remuneration from Psystar is not enough for Apple , which claimed that unless the upstart firm is made to stop doing business it would continue to harm Apple 's brand .

  3. 损害赔偿是对卖方就合同被违反而给予的金钱赔偿。

    Damages are a monetary amount that will compensate the seller for a breach of contract .

  4. 索拉娅案评注&德国民法中对损害一般人格权的非物质损害的金钱赔偿

    A Study on Soraya : Damages for Non - substantial Injury to the General Personality in German Civil Law

  5. 以金钱赔偿的诉讼标的也称作动产,如家畜,在早期,家畜是最广泛的动产形式。

    The latter is also called a chattel , derived from cattle , the most frequent form of personal wealth in early days .

  6. 惩罚性赔偿是指加害人在赔偿受害人实际损失之外,由法庭责令加害人另外支付给受害人的金钱赔偿。

    The so-called punitive damages refer to besides actual damages , the court orders the perpetrators to pay additional monetary compensation to the victims .

  7. 精神损害赔偿是在对精神损害不能恢复或者恢复确有困难时,对被害人所作的金钱赔偿,其本质是财产责任。

    The compensation is paid when the spiritual damage could not be restored or be difficult to restore , its nature is property duty .

  8. 服务提供者只要符合避风港规则的要求就只负有限的责任,即免除其金钱赔偿责任以及除有限的禁令之外的其他责任。

    As long as they meet the safe harbor conditions , they can immune from monetary liability and other liabilities except for certain injunctions .

  9. 第三,根据国家赔偿法的性质,我国国家赔偿的标准应当包括精神损害的金钱赔偿。同时,不仅应赔偿积极损失,还应当赔偿消极损失。

    Third , in light of this nature , the standard of state Indemnity should include monetary compensation of mental damages , both positive and negative .

  10. 惩罚性赔偿又称示范性赔偿或报复性赔偿,是指加害人向被害人支付的、超过其财产损害范围的一种金钱赔偿。

    Punitive damages , is also called as exemplar damages or vindictive damages , can be defined as money compensation which defendant pay to victim , that has exceeded the property damages .

  11. 因精神损害的无形性、不可计量性,故精神损害与赔偿之间不存在商品货币领域里等价交换的对应关系,但金钱赔偿具有抚慰与惩罚功能,因而不能否认精神损害赔偿的金钱救济方式。

    Though there is no equivalent relation between the injury and the compensation , the function of soothing and punishment of the compensation cannot be denied , and it is an effective means of almsgiving .

  12. 惩罚性赔偿是与补偿性赔偿相对应的损害赔偿制度,是指侵权行为人给付给被侵权人超过其所受的实际损失数额以外的金钱赔偿。

    Corresponding to the system of compensatory damages compensation , the system of punitive damages compensation means the tortfeasor should pay the infringed extra monetary compensation beside of the amount of actual damages they suffered .

  13. 在国家赔偿法中,建立精神损害金钱赔偿制度是衡量一个国家政治文明的重要标志,更是直接关系到受害人受损精神利益的补救和抚慰。

    Establishing the system of money compensation of mental damage in state compensation law can been seen as a primary of political civilization in a certain country and be related to remedy and conciliation on the mental damage .

  14. 在实践中还存在一些问题,如当事人盲目追求高额赔偿,任意扩大请求范围,追求金钱赔偿而忽视其他责任方式等,还有司法上不平衡的问题。

    In practice , there are some problems , such as the party pursuing high compensation blindly , randomly expanding appeal extension , unilaterally pursuing money compensation but ignoring other duty manner , and the lopsided problem in judicatory .

  15. 在产品责任领域建立惩罚性赔偿制度的根本目的是为了惩罚和遏制被告的侵权行为,使其对原告付出金钱赔偿。

    The basic goal for the establishment of Punitive Damages System in the field of Product Liability is to punish and curb the infringement act of the defendant , so as to make him give pecuniary reparation to the plaintiff .

  16. 英国人身伤害之非金钱损失赔偿制度研究&兼论对我国相关制度的构建

    Study on the British System of Remedies for Non-pecuniary Loss in Personal Injury & Concurrently on Establishing Relevant Systems in China

  17. 罗斯声称,苹果公司对自己造成了“无法挽回的巨大伤害,这种伤害是无法用金钱来赔偿和衡量的”。他要求苹果公司索赔100亿美元,并在未来的销售收入中分成1.5%。

    Ross claims Apple has caused him " great and irreparable injury that cannot fully be compensated or measured in money , " and is asking for more than $ 10 billion in the lawsuit , as well as 1.5 % of all Apple 's sales as part of his royalties .

  18. 根据二人在结婚前4个月依据德国法律签署的婚前协议条款,双方均同意在分手时不向对方提出任何金钱方面的赔偿要求。

    Under the terms of their pre-nuptial agreement , executed under German law four months before their marriage , both parties agreed not to make any financial claim against each other if they split up .

  19. 工伤补偿法立足于保证因工受伤或者致残的雇员得到金钱方面的赔偿,排除人们上法庭去讨公道的必要。

    Workers ' Compensation laws are designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job are provided with monetary awards , eliminating the need for people to go to court to fight for justice .

  20. 生命权受到侵害具有不可挽回性,其不可能通过金钱实现等价的赔偿。

    Violations of the right to life is irreversible , its impossible to through monetary compensation to achieve equivalent .

  21. 但是因为衡平救济被认为是一种特别救济,所以只有在普通法救济不足的时候才能适用,而救济的标准方式仍然是金钱给付的损害赔偿。

    But because these equitable remedies were considered to be extraordinary , they were only available where the remedy at law could be shown to be inadequate , and money damages remained the standard kind of relief .

  22. 金钱上救济包括实际损失赔偿和抚慰金的支付。而抚慰金在形式上具有金钱替代功能性质,在本质上不过仍为金钱赔偿。

    The method of property includes the actual loss compensation and solatium paying .