
The FSF paper suggests simultaneous disclosure by the largest banks to a common template , including common valuation methodologies for on and off-balance sheet exposures .
If banks have fundamentally bad assets on their books , the FSF discusses forcing them to raise capital ; restricting dividend and bonus payments ; the authorities buying equity in banks ; and encouraging mergers between troubled and healthy banks .
This broader range of voices must be heard in other venues such as the Financial Stability Forum .
Mr Geithner also urged reform of the Financial Stability Forum so it includes all G20 countries , giving it a stronger mandate .
As the Financial Stability Forum recently noted , banks and other financial institutions will have to raise at least another $ 350bn of capital to deal with yet-to-be-realised losses .
Central bank and finance ministry officials from around the world have yet to agree an analysis of the fundamental problems underlying the credit crisis , a confidential options paper from a recent top-level meeting suggests .
For example , banking regulations will be drawn up by the Basel Committee on banking supervision , while the Financial Stability Forum will be responsible for co-ordinating the oversight of large multinational banks .
The industrialised economies agreed to open up membership of key standards-setting bodies , including the Financial Stability Forum , to emerging economies such as China and India , and promised to increase their say at the International Monetary Fund .
It will identify risks in advance , co-operate with the Financial Stability Forum to design policy and regulatory responses and strengthen links between ministers , in the group of seven and beyond , to ensure effective follow-up .
The problem for the FSF or any other international body examining the credit crisis is that a policy that might be right for Bear Stearns might not apply to UBS or Deutsche Bank .
The FSF will deliver a report to the Group of Seven meeting in mid-April , signed off by central bankers and finance ministry officials .
The Financial Stability Forum ( FSF ), ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy , has started to tackle these issues .
On liquidity management , the FSF adopts a less heavy-handed approach .
The FSF report suggests regulators should investigate the issue in 2009 or later .
Third , the Financial Stability Forum ( FSF ) should play a bigger role .
But it is clear it wants banks and credit ratings agencies to become much more transparent .
They welcomed the establishment of the Financial Stability Forum to co-ordinate efforts by various national and international bodies .
Policymakers discussed the crisis and the FSF plan with leading private sector bankers at a dinner in Washington on Friday .
The FSF has been drawing lessons from the crisis and its work has been built upon by the international community .
In the former , the FSF secretariat notes the danger that such measures could damage market confidence in balance sheet health .
Finance Ministers should assess the adequacy of these proposals , drawing upon the analysis of regulators , the expanded FSF , and other relevant bodies .
At the moment we 've got the IMF and the World Bank , two old , established institutions , and we 've got the Financial Stability Forum .
It is unlikely to include radical options in the paper , but the FSF Secretariat is encouraging national officials to consider hypothetical responses if the credit crisis continues .
The Financial Stability Forum ( FSF ) must expand urgently to a broader membership of emerging economies , and other major standard setting bodies should promptly review their membership .
The IMF , in collaboration with the expanded FSF and other bodies , should work to better identify vulnerabilities , anticipate potential stresses , and act swiftly to play a key role in crisis response .
In this case , the FSF secretariat suggests the answer might lie in greater transparency over who owns the problem asset-backed securities and how they are valued , alongside a co-ordinated revelation of individual banks ' exposures to subprime and other risks .
The most draconian areas of the FSF report , certain to be opposed by banks , relate to proposed increases in the regulatory capital that banks must hold in respect of assets that proved more risky than previously thought under the old regulatory guidance .
The Financial Stability Forum , created for that purpose after the last global financial crisis , did little obviously too little to prevent an even worse meltdown a decade later .
The new measures , which are being spearheaded by the Financial Stability Forum – a committee of global regulators and supervisors – could force banks to rethink the business models they use to repackage assets such as mortgages into complex financial securities .